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时间:2010-05-30 00:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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card attached to the gyro appears to the pilot as though it is turning. In reality, it and the attached gyro are
remaining rigid in space, while the aircraft and case turn about the gyro.
The HI is not automatically synchronized with the magnetic compass. It must be set to the compass
heading while level on the airport surface prior to take-off.
The HI gyroscope may precess in small amounts over time. Therefore, the HI should be checked against
the compass in 15 minute intervals. The check should be done only while flying in straight, level and unaccelerated
flight. If adjustment is required, the heading can be reset using the adjustment knob shown.
The compass card has letters for the cardinal headings N, E, S, and W. Each numbered interval is every
30 degrees. The graduations are further divided by the longer marks every 10 degrees, and intervening
short marks at the 5 degree points.
http://www.uncletom2000.com/gs/gyro.htm (2 of 5) [1/23/2003 11:18:51 AM]
A significant advantage of the HI over the magnetic compass is its steadiness in turbulence and various
aircraft movements. As will be discussed later in the section on the magnetic compass, the compass can
have several errors introduced during turns, acceleration and deceleration. The HI is unaffected by these
maneuvers and by turbulence, and is a reliable instrument as long as the precession re-adjustment in
made in timely fashion.
Some makes of HI’s may "tumble" , loosing their gyroscopic characteristics, if subjected to more than 55
degrees of pitch or bank. In this condition, the heading card spins rapidly, and cannot be used for
navigation until reset by the adjustment knob.
Attitude Indicator (AI)
The Attitude Indicator shows rotation about both the longitudinal axis to indicate the degree of bank, and
about the lateral axis to indicate pitch (nose up, level or nose down). It utilizes the rigidity characteristic
of the gyro. It is gimbaled to permit rotation about the lateral axis indicating pitch attitude, and about the
longitudinal axis to indicate roll attitude.
The principal parts of interest to the pilot are:
· The miniature wings attached to the case remain parallel to the wings of the aircraft.
· The horizon bar which separates the top (light) and bottom (dark) halves of the ball
· The degree marks on the upper periphery of the dial. The first 3 on both sides of center are 10 degrees
apart, then 60 degree bank marks, and 90 degree bank arks. Fifteen degrees of bank is called a standard
rate turn.
The adjustment knob is used to adjust the wings up or down to align with the horizon bar. This allows
adjustment to the height of the pilot. Preferably, the adjustment should be made when level on the
When the wings are aligned with the horizon bar, the aircraft is in level flight. If the wings are above the
horizon bar, the aircraft is in a climb. Wings below the horizon bar indicates a decent. The upper blue
http://www.uncletom2000.com/gs/gyro.htm (3 of 5) [1/23/2003 11:18:51 AM]
part of the ball represents the sky. The miniture airplane wings (fixed to the case) represent the wings of
the aircraft. In the past, the instrument has been refered to as "an artificial horizon". When in a left turn,
the blue portion of the ball will have rolled to the right, as tho you were looking at the horizon over the
nose of the aircraft. In a right turn, the blue portion will have rolled to the left.
Turn and Slip Indicator
The instrument is comprised of two components.
· The turn needle is an electrically driven gyroscope which indicates the rate of turn. The marks (often
called the doghouse) on either side of center represents a bank angle of 15 degrees. This is termed a
Standard Rate Turn. The rate of turn is 3 degrees per second. It takes 2 minutes to turn 360 degrees.
· The glass level containing the black ball is called the Inclinometer. It provides the pilot with a measure
of the Turn Quality. During both straight and level flight and during turns the ball should stay centered.
The Turn and Slip Indicator acts as a partial backup to the Attitude Indicator in that it shows rate of
turn. This type of instrument is usually found in older aircraft.
Turn Coordinator
The Turn Coordinator is similar to the Turn and Slip indicator. It is found in more modern aircraft. The
main difference is in the presentation of the turn. A miniature airplane is used to show the bank instead of
a needle.
http://www.uncletom2000.com/gs/gyro.htm (4 of 5) [1/23/2003 11:18:51 AM]
There are 2 marks on each side. The upper ones indicate level flight when the wing align with them. The
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