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时间:2010-05-30 00:47来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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is the same as if you had a wind of 15 kts
directly from the side.
If you plot a horizontal (blue) line, you will see that your headwind component is 26 kts. This is the same
effect as if you had a direct headwind of 26 kts.
Landing Performance
The minimum landing distance is attained by landing at the minimum safe speed which allows sufficient
margin above the stall speed for satisfactory control and go-around capability. Gross weight and
headwind are important considerations in determining minimum landing distance.
Excessive airspeed above that recommended in the POH will significantly increase landing distance.
High density altitude increases landing distance. As a rule of thumb, the increase in landing distance is
about 3.5% for each 1,000 feet in density altitude.
A number of factors affect braking. A wet, icy or snow covered runway will appreciably decrease
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braking ability. In crosswinds or gusty conditions, higher than normal approach speed will improve
controllability, but will require longer rollout to stop. A down-sloping runway also increases stopping
Braking immediately after touchdown is ineffective because the wings are still producing lift. The pilot
should use the natural aerodynamic drag as much as possible to slow the aircraft. Maintain up-elevator to
a high angle of attack as long as possible. The nose of the aircraft will settle naturally as airspeed is
dissipated. Therefore it is not necessary (and is unwise) to force the nosewheel hard onto the runway.
After touchdown, hold up-elevators during braking to reduce the load on the nosewheel. Avoid severe
braking to minimize stress on the nose gear and scrubbing of rubber from the main gear tires.
Gross weight affects stopping ability. Heavy loads and high touchdown speeds result in greater forward
momentum, and require significantly more runway than normal. The most critical conditions for landing
performance sult from some combination of high gross weight , high density altitude and unfavorable
wind conditions. These conditions produce the greatest landing distance and require the greatest
dissipation of energy by the brakes.
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Aircraft Performance
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In September 1993 the FAA adopted the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) definition of airspace
segments. The ICAO classifications of airspace are named A through G. The classification of “F” is not used in
the USA.
NOTE: It will be helpful while studying this chapter to have a Sectional Aeronautical Chart available. Refer to
the front panel of the chart as well as to content of the chart as you study this chapter.
The 3 predominant types of airspace are:
· Positive Control (Class A) - White
· Controlled (Class E - Yellow )
· Uncontrolled (class G) - Magenta
Class G Airspace
ATC exercises no jurisdiction over Class G airspace. It
is the airspace shown in magenta at left, and generally
extends from the ground up to 1200 feet above ground
level (AGL). As such it is classified as Uncontrolled
ATC exercises some jurisdiction, at varying degrees to all other airspace. Thus all other airspace is classifies as
Controlled airspace.
Class A -- Positive Control
ATC exercises complete control in the Positive Controlled airspace. Jet aircraft is the primary user of Class A
airspace. It ranges from 18,000 feet (Flight Level 180) to 60,000 feet (FL600). Altitudes 18,000 feet and above
are called Flight Levels.
Class A airspace is not specifically charted on aeronautical charts. Operation is in accordance to Instrument Flight
Rules (IFR). The aircraft must be equipped with appropriate IFR instrumentation, including a Mode C altitude
reporting Transponder. The Pilot must be Instrument rated. An IFR flight plan is required. ATC exercises full
control of route, speed, and altitude. ATC is responsible for aircraft separation in Class A airspace.
See AIM Chapter 3 for further data on Class A Airspace
Class E -- Controlled
Class E airspace is from altitude 1200 feet Above Ground Level (AGL) up to 18,000 feet. All airspace from
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14,500 feet (MSL) to 18,000 feet (MSL) is Class E. It contains the Low Altitude Victor airway system. These
airways are designated on the aeronautical charts as blue lines about 1/16 inch wide, and have numbers like V12,
V245, etc. written on them. They are roads in the sky. All Victor airways are Class E extending 6 nautical miles
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