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时间:2010-07-19 22:12来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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threshold, where it is intended landing aeroplanes first
contact the runway. Note I.- The geoid globally most closely approximates
MSL. It is defined as the equipotential surface in the gravity
Usabili4'factor- The Percentage time during which the use field of the Earth which coincides with the undisturbed MSL
of a runway or system of runways is not restricted because extended continuous^ through the continents.
of the cross-wind component.
Note 2.- Gravity-related heights (elevations) are also
Note.- Cross-wind component means the sutjhce wind referred to as orthometric heights while distances of points
component at right angles to the runway centre line. above the ellipsoid are referred to as ellipsoidal heights.
1.2 Applicability
1.3.3 Temporal reference system
1.2.1 The interpretation of some of the specifications in
the Annex expressly requires the exercising of discretion, the The Gregorian calendar and Coordinated
taking of a decision or the performance of a function by the Universal Time (UTC) shall be as the temporal reference
appropriate authority. In other specifications, the expression System.
appropriate authority does not actually appear although its
inclusion is implied. In both cases, the responsibility for what- When a different temporal reference system is
ever determination or action is necessary =hall rest with the used, this shall be indicated in GEN 2.1.2 of the Aeronautical
State having jurisdiction over the aerodrome. Information Publication (AIP).
1.2.2 The specifications, unless otherwise indicated in a
particular context, shall apply to all aerodromes open to public
use in accordance with the requirements of Article 15 of the
Convention. The specifications of Annex 14, Volume I,
Chapter 3 shall apply only to land aerodromes. The specifications
in this volume shall apply, where appropriate, to
heliports but shall not apply to stolports.
Note.- Although there are at present no specifcations
relating to stolports, it is intended that specifications for these
aerodromes will be included as they are developed. In the
interim, guidance material on stolports is given in the Stolport
1.4 Certification of aerodromes
Note.- The intent of these specifications is to ensure the
establishment ofa regulatory regime so that compliance with
the specifcations in this Annex can be effectively enforced. It
is recognized that the methods of ownership, operation and
surveillance of aerodromes drffer among States. The most
effective and transparent means of ensuring compliance with
applicable specifications is the availability of a separate safety
oversight entity and a well-defined safety oversight mechanism
with support of appropriate legislation to be able to carry out
the function of safety regulation of aerodromes.
Chapter 1 Annex 14 - Aerodromes
1.4.1 As of 27 November 2003, States shall certify
aerodromes used for international operations in accordance
with the specifications contained in this Annex as well as other
relevant ICAO specifications through an appropriate
regulatory framework.
1.4.2 Recommendation.- States should certiifL aerodromes
open to public use in accordance with these
specifications as well as other relevant ICAO spec~$cations
through an appropriate regulatory fi-amework.
1.4.3 The regulatory framework shall include the
establishment of criteria for the certification of aerodromes.
Note.- Guidance on a regulatory fi-amework is given in the
Manual on Certification of Aerodromes.
1.4.4 Recommendation.- A cert19ed aerodrome should
have in operation a safety management system.
Note.- The intent of a safety management system is to have
in place an organized and orderly approach in the
management of aemdrome safety by the aerodmme operator.
Guidance on an aerodrome safety management system is given
in the Manual on Certification of Aerodromes.
1.4.5 As part of the certification process, States shall
ensure that an aerodrome manual which will include all
pertinent information on the aerodrome site, facilities,
services, equipment, operating procedures, organization and
management including a safety management system, is
submitted by the applicant for approvaVacceptance prior to
granting the aerodrome certificate.
1.4.6 As of 24 November 2005, a certified aerodrome
shall have in operation a safety management system.
1.6 Reference code
Introductory Note.- The intent of the reference code is to
provide a simple method for interrelating the numerous
specifications concerning the characteristics of aerodromes so
as to provide a series of aerodrome facilities that are suitable
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