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时间:2010-07-19 22:12来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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building or structure on which the heliport is located are not foam solution should not be less than the rates shown in
taken into account. Table 6-2 or Table 6-3 as appropriate. The dischurge rate of
complementaiy agents should be selected for optimum
Rescue andfire fighting requirements for helidecks may be efectiveness of the agent used.
found in the Heliport Manual.
6.1.7 Recommendation.- At an elevated heliport, at
least one hose spray line capable of delivering foam in a jet
Level of protection to be provided
6.1.1 Recommendation.- The level of protection to be
provided for rescue and fire fighting should be based on the
over-all length of the longest helicopter normally using the
heliport and in accordance with the heliport fire fighting
category determined from Table 6-1, except at an unuttended Table 6- 1. Heliport fire fighting category
helipofl with a low movement rate.
Note.- Guidance to assist the appropriate authority in Category Helicopter over-all lengtha
providing rescue and fire fighting equipment and services at HI up to but not including 15 rn
surface-level and elevated heliports is given in the Heliport
Manual. H2 from 15 rn up to but not including 24 m
6.1.2 Recommendation.- During anticipated periods of H3 &om 24 rn up to but not including 35 rn
operations by smaller helicopters, the heliport fire fighting
may be reduced to that of Ihe lzighesr of a. length, including the tail boorn the rotors,
helicopter planned to use the heliport during that time.
ANNEX 14 - VOLUME I1 49 911 1/95
Annex 14 -Aerodromes Volume II
Table 6-2. Minimum usable amounts of extinguishing agents
for surface level heliports
- - - p~
Foam meeting performance
level B Complementary agents
Water Discharge rate Dry chemical Halons co2
Calegory (L) foam solution (Umin) powders (kg) or (kg) or (kg)
Table 6-3. Minimum usable amounts of extinguishing agents for
elevated heliports
Foam meeting performance
level B Complementary agents
Water Discharge rate Dry chemical Halons coz
Category (L) foam solution (Umin) powders (kg) or mg) or (kg)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
HI. 2 500 250 45 45 90
spray pattern at 250 Umin should be provided. Additionally at
elevated heliports in categories 2 and 3, at least two monitors
should be provided each having a capability of achieving the
required discharge rate and positioned at d~yerent locations
around rhe heliports so as to ensure the application of foam to
any part of the heliport under any weather condition and to
minimize the possibility of both monitors being impaired by a
helicopter accident.
Rescue equipment
6.1.8 Recommendation.- At an elevated heliport rescue
equipment should be stored adjacent to the heliport
Note.- Guidance on the rescue equipment to be provided
at a heliport is given in the Heliport Manual.
Response time
6.1.9 Recommendation.- At a sulface-level heliport,
the operational objective of the rescue adfirefighting service
should be to achieve response times not exceeding two minures
in optimum conditions of visibility and surlface conditions.
Note.- Response time is considered to be the time between
the initial call to the rescue and fire fighting service and the
time when the first responding vehicle(s) (the service) is (are)
in position to apply foam at a rate of at least 50 per cent of
the discharge rate specified in Table 6-2.
6.1.10 Recommendation.- At an elevated heliport, the
rescue and fire j5ghting service should be immediately
available on or in the vicinity of the heliport while helicopter
movements are taking place.
- END -
The following summary gives the status, and also
describes in general terms the contents of the various
series of technical publications issued by the Infernational
Civil Aviation Organization. It does not include
specialized publications that do not fall specifically
within one of the series, such as the Aeronautical
Chart Catalogue or the Meteorological Tables for
International Air Navigation.
International Standards and Recommended Practices
are adopted by the Council in accordance with
Articles 54, 37 and 90 of the Convention on International
Civil Aviation and are designated, for
convenience, as Annexes to the Convention. The
uniform application by Contracting States of the specifications
contained in the International Standards is
recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of
international air navigation while the uniform application
d the specifications in the Recommended
Practices is regarded as desirable in the interest of
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