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时间:2010-05-29 07:53来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

water droplets.
2. Clear. A glossy, clear or translucent ice
formed by the relatively slow freezing of large
super-cooled water droplets.
3. Mixed. A combination of rime and clear.
c. Icing intensity.
1. Trace. Ice becomes perceptible. Rate of
accumulation slightly greater than sublimation.
Deicing/anti-icing equipment is not utilized unless
encountered for an extended period of time (over
2. Light. The rate of accumulation may create a
problem if flight is prolonged in this environment
(over 1 hour). Occasional use of deicing/anti-icing
equipment removes/prevents accumulation. It does
not present a problem if deicing/anti-icing is used.
3. Moderate. The rate of accumulation is such
that even short encounters become potentially
hazardous, and use of deicing/anti-icing equipment
or diversion is necessary.
4. Severe. The rate of accumulation is such that
deicing/anti-icing equipment fails to reduce or
control the hazard. Immediate diversion is necessary.
Inform pilots of a need for PIREPs. The following
methods may be used to collect PIREPs:
a. During preflight weather briefings.
b. On post-flight contacts.
c. During regular air-ground contacts.
d. Broadcast a request on NAVAID frequencies.
e. Append a request on HIWAS, TIBS, VORTWEB,
or TWEB broadcasts.
f. Request PIREPs from air carrier and military
operations offices, military pilot-to-forecaster units,
and local aircraft operators.
2/14/08 JO 7110.10T
Pilot Weather Report (UA/UUA) 9-2-3
g. Solicit from other air traffic facilities.
Categorize PIREPs as follows:
a. URGENT. The following weather phenomena
shall be classified as an URGENT (UUA) PIREP:
1. Tornadoes, funnel clouds, or waterspouts.
2. Severe or extreme turbulence (including clear
air turbulence).
3. Severe icing.
4. Hail.
5. Low level wind shear. Classify LLWS
PIREPs as UUA if the pilot reports air speed
fluctuations of 10 knots or more. Classify reports of
LLWS with air speed fluctuations less than 10 knots
as routine. If air speed fluctuation is not reported,
classify PIREP as UUA.
defined as windshear within 2,000 feet of the
6. Volcanic ash clouds.
7. Any other weather phenomena reported
which are considered by the specialist as being
hazardous, or potentially hazardous, to flight
b. ROUTINE. Classify as ROUTINE (UA) all
PIREPs received except those listed above.
Upon receipt of a PIREP, accomplish the following:
a. Urgent.
1. Deliver to the ARTCC Weather Coordinator
as soon as possible.
2. Deliver to the associated WSO as soon as
3. Enter on Service A at the first opportunity.
4. Use in weather briefings, as appropriate.
b. Routine.
1. Transmit on Service A as soon as practical.
2. Broadcast in accordance with established
procedures in Chapter 2.
3. Use in weather briefings, as appropriate.
When your station has been given responsibility for
collecting offshore coastal route PIREPs:
a. Include the coastal water area when soliciting
PIREPs. At least one PIREP is required hourly
regardless of weather conditions.
b. Pacific. Hawaiian Island station areas coincide
with the Honolulu ARTCC sectors and the entire
Hawaiian area is designated as offshore areas for
PIREP purposes.
Flight Services Operations Area Office assigns
PIREP responsibility for an offshore coastal area, route,
or route segment to a specific station. The area assigned
will be within the same ARTCC area as the station, and the
station shall have adequate air-ground communications
coverage over its assigned offshore area.
To assure proper dissemination of PIREPs to all
system users, the encoding procedures listed below
shall be followed:
a. Identify each element by a Text Element
Indicator (TEI).
b. Ensure each report includes TEIs for message
type, location, time, altitude/flight level, type
aircraft, and at least one other to describe the reported
c. Precede each TEI, except message type, with a
space and a solidus (/).
d. Follow each TEI, except altitude/flight level,
with a space.
e. Insert zeros in reported values when the number
of digits in the report is less than the number required
by the format.
f. Use only authorized aircraft designators and
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