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时间:2010-05-29 07:53来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

separate display for pilot use. All material in such
displays shall be kept updated.
facsimile charts in accordance with FAAO JO 7110.10, Para
a. The weather graphic display should include, but
not necessarily be limited to, the following analysis,
prognosis, and data products:
1. Weather Depiction.
2. Surface Analysis.
3. Forecast Winds Aloft.
4. Current Winds Aloft.
5. National Radar Summary.
6. 850 MB.
7. 700 MB.
8. 500 MB.
9. 300 MB.
10. 200 MB.
11. Composite Moisture Stability Chart (Lifted
Index, Precipitable Water, Freezing Level-Mean
Relative Humidity).
12. 12- and 24-hour low level significant
weather prognosis.
13. High level significant weather prognosis.
14. 36- and 48-hour surface prognosis.
of presentation limitations and techniques, some
interim system products may not take on the same
appearance as conventional facsimile products. During
the transition into a national graphic weather display
system (GWDS) program, some flexibility of product
display, format, and content may be authorized.
b. The utility of charts is greatly enhanced by
coloring and shading. Use the symbols and colors
shown in subparas 3d and e, on all weather chart
displays. Facsimile products used for closed circuit
television (CCTV) may be highlighted to accentuate
the displays. In addition, to allow for the greatest
contrast between shaded areas and symbology,
different colors may be required to enhance color
weather graphic systems.
c. Map features. (See FIG 3-1-1.)
d. Precipitation and obstruction to vision.
(See FIG 3-1-2.)
JO 7110.10T 2/14/08
3-1-2 General
FIG 3-1-1
Map Features
FIG 3-1-2
Precipitation and Obstruction To Vision
e. The facsimile products which cannot be
displayed shall be retained for specialist/pilot use.
f. Interpret and summarize weather radar video
displays and issue pertinent information on observed/
reported weather areas.
1. Use all available radar data and PIREPs to
determine intensity, tops, area of coverage, movement,
Controller Glossary, Radar Weather Echo Intensity Levels.
2. Identify data obtained from sources other
than radar video display by source and time of
3. To the extent possible, define area of
coverage in relation to VORs or airways for the route
structure being flown. Airports or geographic points
may be used to assist the pilot in relating coverage to
route of flight or destination.
“A broken line of weak to intense echoes covers an area
along and three zero miles east of a line from the Crazy
Woman V-O-R to the Riverton V-O-R. Average tops
between two-six thousand and three-four thousand. This
line is increasing in intensity. Movement has been from
northwest to southeast at three zero knots. The line
includes an intense echo one five miles in diameter on
Victor Two Ninety-eight forty-eight miles southeast of the
2/14/08 JO 7110.10T
General 3-1-3
Worland V-O-R, tops four three thousand. There are no
known echoes within three-zero nautical miles of Victor
Eight-five or Victor Two Ninety-eight south at this time.”
a. Use only weather forecasts, warnings, and
advisories issued by an NWS office (including
CWSUs), the U.S. military, foreign governments, or
FAA owned or leased graphics systems.
b. Use the information in the Meteorological
Impact Statement (MIS) for preduty briefings,
background, and supplemental information only. The
MIS is a traffic flow planning product and is not to be
used as an integral part of a briefing presentation.
c. The OUTLOOK section of WSTs includes
meteorological discussion information. Extract
pertinent forecast data concerning convective
activity location, movement, and intensity for
briefing purposes. Do not provide discussion type
information unless requested by the pilot.
d. When an NWS forecast meets amendment
criteria, request assistance from the appropriate NWS
Use all available means to obtain the data required to
brief pilots to their destination. If a complete briefing
cannot be provided due to circuit problems or missing
data, inform the pilot of this fact. Brief to the extent
possible. As appropriate, furnish the pilot with the
telephone number of another AFSS/FSS, or advise
the pilot of the time you expect the data to be
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