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时间:2011-03-25 12:12来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

monitoring operation of recorded data,

monitoring operation of the power supply circuitry. for QAR

 -depending on different types of QAR,
R 1EFF : 001-049, 051-099, 101-105, 1 31-33-00Page 91 1 1 May 01/05 1 1 1CES 1 when a failure is detected, the related failure message is displayed on the ECAM screen.


R **ON A/C 106-149, 211-299, 301-399, 401-499,
 E. Monitoring
 Test The power interlock and status monitoring can be partially tested by pushing the GND/CTL button and selecting the related CFDS menu (SYSTEM REPORT/INST/ FDIU) on the MCDU. When the GND/CTL button is pushed it activates the power interlock and the DFDR with playback will give a message on the TEST menu STATUS OF DFDR : PLAYBACK RECEIVED. If a fault occurs or a DFDR is not installed the message FAULT/NOT INSTALLED comes into view. A second push on the GND/CTL button deactivates the power interlock and the DFDR stops. Now the message DFDR OFF/ON PLAYBACK comes into view on the TEST menu. The function of a DFDR without playback, cannot be tested. The BITE of the DFDR can be checked by activating the GND SCAN menu. To check the correct functioning of the system during operation the monitoring function in each unit (BITE) must be continuously active. For test purposes a line test connector is installed on the FDIMU and DFDR front side. With a separate test, the set internal functions of the FDIMU and the DFDR can be checked. It is possible to print out the BITE memory of the FDIMU. The DFDR playback data is also available on the FDIMU test connector.

 Monitoring Each part of the FDIMU (FDIU- and DMU-part) has its own Built In Test Equipment (BITE). The BITE does a continuously monitoring of the functions of the DFDRS and the AIDS. If the BITE detects a failure it stores the related information in the FDIMU BITE-Memory and it sends the failure-information to the CFDS via a ARINC-429 output-bus. The detected failure information can be called up via a MCDU in the cockpit. The units and functions listed below are monitored by the BITE:

 for FDIU-Part
monitoring operation of the microprocessor,

monitoring operation of the gate arrays,

monitoring operation of the memories,

monitoring operation of the input/output interfaces,

monitoring operation of the DFDR playback signal,

monitoring operation of power supply circuitry.

 for DFDR
R 1EFF : 001-049, 051-099, 101-149, 211-299, 1 31-33-00Page 92 1301-399, 401-499, 1Aug 01/05 1 1 1CES 1

monitoring operation of the input data stream,

monitoring operation of recorded data,

monitoring operation of the power supply circuitry.

 **ON A/C 151-199, 201-210,
 E. Monitoring
 Test The power interlock and status monitoring can be partially tested by pushing the GND/CTL button and selecting the related CFDS menu (SYSTEM REPORT/INST/ FDIU) on the MCDU. When the GND/CTL button is pushed it activates the power interlock and the DFDR with playback will give a message on the TEST menu STATUS OF DFDR : PLAYBACK RECEIVED. If a fault occurs or a DFDR is not installed the message FAULT/NOT INSTALLTED comes into view. A second push on the GND/CTL button deactivates the power interlock and the DFDR stops. Now the message DFDR OFF/ON PLAYBACK comes into view on the TEST menu. The function of a DFDR without playback, cannot be tested. The BITE of the DFDR can be checked by activating the GND SCAN menu. To check the correct functioning of the system during operation the monitoring function in each unit (BITE) must be continuously active. For test purposes a line test connector is installed on the FDIU and DFDR front side. With a separate test, the set internal functions of the FDIU and DFDR can be checked. It is possible to print out the BITE memory of the FDIU. The DFDR playback data is also available on the FDIU test connector.

 Monitoring The BITE of each unit permanently monitors the FDIU and DFDR. The following monitoring are performed with microprocessor controlled or related circuitry.

 for FDIU
monitoring operation of the microprocessor,

monitoring operation of the gate arrays,

monitoring operation of the memories,

monitoring operation of the input/output interfaces,

monitoring operation of the DFDR playback signal,

monitoring operation of power supply circuitry.

 for DFDR

monitoring operation of the motion of memory,

monitoring operation of the input data stream,

monitoring operation of the recording channel,
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