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时间:2011-03-25 12:12来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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R 1EFF : ALL 1 31-33-00Page 73 1 1 May 01/05 1 1 1CES 1

 Quick Access Recorder Figure 016 
R 1EFF : 1 1 1CES  001-049, 101-105,  1 111 31-33-00 Page 74 May 01/05


R  Quick Access Recorder 
R  Figure 016A 
R 1EFF :  051-099,  1  31-33-00 Page 75 
1  1  May 01/05
 1  1
 1CES  1


 QAR - Functional Block Diagram
 Figure 017

R 1EFF : 001-049, 101-105, 1 31-33-00Page 76 1 1 May 01/05 1 1 1CES 1

R  QAR - Functional Block Diagram 
R  Figure 017A 
R 1EFF :  051-099,  1  31-33-00 Page 77 
1  1  May 01/05
 1  1
 1CES  1


 QAR - Interface Figure 018 
R 1EFF : 1 1 1CES  001-049, 051-099, 101-105,  1 111 31-33-00 Page 78 May 01/05


 QAR Functions The RZ bipolar data from the FDIU are received in the interface board and then switched to the respective magnetical record heat in the read/write board. Another weaker laser in the read/write board, reads the received data from the optical disk. The drive and control board controls the speed and direction of the disk motion. A BITE logic monitors the reel rotation, the disk speed and presence of data and disk. In case of discrepancies, the status output is received by the FDIU. The disk must be formatted to store the data.

 Change of the Optical Disk

 NOTE : The optical disk insertion is only possible when the recorder
 has power.

 The operational procedure to change the optical disk is as follows:
 -unlock and open the front door
 -press the EJECT pushbutton, the optical disk is automatically ejected
 -remove the optical disk
 -insert a new formatted optical disk gently into the aperture, (with the arrow on the left side).
 -close and lock the recorder door.

R **ON A/C 001-049, 101-105,
 (3) Indicators
 (a) Interactive Display System
 -One 16-character alpha-numeric display. Following messages are possible:
 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Message | Definition | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | DISK DETECTED | Disk is initially inserted in the disk drive. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | CHANGE DISK | Problem with an optical disk, which has just been | | | inserted into the drive. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | DATA FILE FULL | The raw data file or the report data is full. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | EJECTING | Ejecting of the inserted optical disk is in progress.|
R 1EFF : 001-049, 051-099, 101-105, 1 31-33-00Page 79 1 1 May 01/05 1 1 1CES 1 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Message | Definition | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | **BAD DISK | Inserted optical disk is not an valid data disk. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | INITIALIZING | The optical QAR is initializing. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | INSERT DISK | No optical disk is inserted. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | WRITE PROT | The optical disk is write protected. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | **WRONG DISK | The data disk is not compatible with the current | | | version of the optical QAR software. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | TEMP OK | The unit temperature is in range after being out of | | | range. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | TEMP TOOR (HI/LO) | The unit temperature is out of range. HI is too hot | | | and LO is to cold. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | SERV.DRIVE ADVS. | On-condition maintenance action is required to return| | | the optical drive to servicable condition. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | **ERROR 1 | The system could not initialize. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | **ERROR 2 | The system could not initialize the optical drive. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | OPEN LEAK | The system has tried to open too many files. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | POWER FAIL | The system detected a power failure. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | FLASH REPORT | The system has detected a problem with the PCMCIA | | | flash memory or subsystem. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | **EJECT ERROR | The system has detected a problem to eject the | | | inserted optical disk. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | OQAR READY | The optical QAR is operating. | |----------------------|------------------------------------------------------| | LOCATE FAIL | The optical QAR is not able to open the locator | | | file on the data disk. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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