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时间:2011-04-18 01:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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9.2.2 Radar facilities providing radar flight follow-ing or advisories consider the loss of radar and radios, without service termination notice, to be a possible emergency. Pilots receiving VFR services from radar facilities should be aware that SAR may be initiated under these circumstances.
9.2.3 A filed flight plan is the most timely and effective indicator that an aircraft is overdue. Flight plan information is invaluable to SAR forces for search planning and executing search efforts. Prior to departure on every flight, local or otherwise, someone at the departure point should be advised of your destination and the route of flight if other than direct. Search efforts are often wasted and rescue is often delayed because of pilots who thoughtlessly take off without telling anyone where they are going. File a flight plan for your safety.
9.2.4 According to the National Search and Rescue Plan, “The life expectancy of an injured survivor decreases as much as 80 percent during the first 24 hours, while the chances of survival of uninjured survivors rapidly diminishes after the first 3 days.”
9.2.5 An Air Force Review of 325 SAR missions conducted during a 23.month period revealed that “Time works against people who experience a distress but are not on a flight plan, since 36 hours normally pass before family concern initiates an (alert).”
9.3 VFR Search and Rescue Protection
9.3.1 To receive this valuable protection, file a VFR or DVFR Flight Plan with an FAA FSS. For maximum protection, file only to the point of first intended landing, and refile for each leg to final destination. When a lengthy flight plan is filed, with several stops en route and an ETE to final destination, a mishap could occur on any leg, and unless other information is received, it is probable that no one would start looking for you until 30 minutes after your ETA at your final destination.
9.3.2 If you land at a location other than the intended destination, report the landing to the nearest FAA FSS and advise them of your original destination.
9.3.3 If you land en route and are delayed more than 30 minutes, report this information to the nearest FSS and give them your original destination.
9.3.4 If your ETE changes by 30 minutes or more, report a new ETA to the nearest FSS  and give them your original destination. Remember that if you fail to respond within one.half hour after your ETA at final destination, a search will be started to locate you.
9.3.5 It is important that you CLOSE YOUR FLIGHT PLAN IMMEDIATELY AFTER AR-RIVAL AT YOUR FINAL DESTINATION WITH THE FSS DESIGNATED WHEN YOUR FLIGHT PLAN WAS FILED. The pilot is responsible for closure of a VFR or DVFR flight plan; they are not closed automatically. This will prevent needless search efforts.
9.3.6 The rapidity of rescue on land or water will depend on how accurately your position may be determined. If a flight plan has been followed and your position is on course, rescue will be expedited.
9.4 Survival Equipment
9.4.1 For flight over uninhabited land areas, it is wise to take suitable survival equipment depending on type of climate and terrain.
9.4.2 If forced landing occurs at sea, chances for survival are governed by degree of crew proficiency in emergency procedures and by effectiveness of water survival equipment.

9.5 Body Signal Illustrations
9.5.1 If you are forced down and are able to attract the attention of the pilot of a rescue airplane, the body signals illustrated on the following pages can be used to transmit messages to the pilot circling over your location.
9.5.2 Stand in the open when you make the signals.
9.5.3 Be sure the background, as seen from the air, is not confusing.
9.5.4 Go through the motions slowly and repeat each signal until you are positive that the pilot understands you.
9.6 Observance of a Downed Aircraft
9.6.1 Determine if the crash is marked with yellow cross; if so, the crash has already been reported and identified.
9.6.2 Determine, if possible, the type and number of the aircraft and whether there is evidence of survivors.
9.6.3 Fix, as accurately as possible, the exact location of the crash.
9.6.4 If circumstances permit, orbit the scene to guide in other assisting units or until relieved by another aircraft.
9.6.5 Transmit information to the nearest FAA or other appropriate radio facility.
9.6.6 Immediately after landing, make a complete report to nearest FAA, Air Force, or Coast Guard installation. The report may be made by long distance collect telephone.

AIP GEN 3.6.7
United States of America 10 MAR 11

FIG GEN 3.6.1
Ground.Air Visual Code for Use by Survivors
1  Require assistanceRequire assistance  V 
2  Require medical assistanceRequire medical assistance  X 
3  No or NegativeNo or Negative  N 
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