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时间:2011-10-19 22:11来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart G : Operating Limitations and Information
(3) Information necessary for marking the instruments required by Secs. 27.1549 through 27.1553.
Weight and loading distribution.The weight and center ofgravitylimits requiredby Secs.27.25 and 27.27, respectively, mustbe furnished. If the variety ofpossibleloa-ding conditions warrants, instructions must be included to allow ready observance of the limitations.

Flight crew. When a .ight crew of more than one is required, the number and func-tionsof theminimum .ight crewdetermined underSec.27.1523 mustbefurnished.

Kinds of operation.Eachkind of operationfor whichthe rotorcraft andits equipment installations are approved must be listed.


Altitude. The altitude established under Sec. 27.1527 and an explanation of the limiting factors must be furnished.

Amdt. 27-16, E.. 12/1/78
FAR 27.1585 : Operating Procedures
[Parts ofthe manual containing operatingprocedures musthaveinformation concer-ning any normal and emergencyprocedures and otherinformation necessaryfor safe operation, including takeo. and landing procedures and associated airspeeds. The manual must contain any pertinent information including–

The kind of takeo. surface used in the tests and each appropriate climbout speed; and

The kind of landing surface used in the tests and appropriate approach and glide airspeeds.]


For multiengine rotorcraft,informationidentifyingeach operating conditionin which thefuel systemindependenceprescribedinSec.27.953is necessaryfor safety must be furnished, together with instructions for placing the fuel system in a con.gura-tion used to show compliance with that section.

For helicopters for which a VNE (power-o.) is established under Sec. 27.1505(c), information must be furnished to explain the VNE (power-o.)and the procedures for reducing airspeed to not more than the VNE (power-o.)following failure of all engines.

For each rotorcraft showing compliance withSec.27.1353(g)(2) or(g)(3), the ope-rating procedures for disconnecting the battery from its charging source must be furnished.

If the unusable fuel supply in any tank exceeds .ve percent of the tank capacity, or one gallon, whichever is greater, information must be furnished which indicates that whenthefuelquantityindicatorreads ”zero”inlevel.ight,anyfuel remaining in the fuel tank cannot be used safely in .ight.

Information on the totalquantity of usablefuelfor eachfuel tank mustbe furnished.

[The airspeeds and rotor speeds for minimum rate of descent and best glide angle as prescribed in Sec. 27.71 must be provided.]

Amdt. 27-21, E.. 12/6/84
FAR 27.1587 : Performance information
The rotorcraft must be furnished with the following information, determined in ac-cordance with Secs. 27.51 through 27.79 and 27.143(c) :

Enough information to determine the limiting height-speed envelope.

Information relative to–

Thehoveringceilings andthe steady rates of climb anddescent, as a.ected by anypertinentfactors such as airspeed,temperature, and altitude;

[The maximum safe wind for operation near the ground. If there are combinationsof weight, altitude, and temperatureforwhichperformance information is provided and at which the rotorcraft cannot land and ta-keo. safelywith the maximum wind value, thoseportions of the operating envelope and the appropriate safe wind conditions shall be identi.ed in the .ight manual;


(iii) For reciprocating engine-powered rotorcraft, the maximum atmosphe-ric temperature at which compliance with the cooling provisions of Secs. 27.1041 through 27.1045 is shown; and
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