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时间:2011-04-18 01:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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When two or more aircraft are approaching an airport for the purpose of landing, the pilot of the aircraft at the lower altitude has the right.of.way over the pilot of the aircraft at the higher altitude. However, the pilot operating at the lower altitude should not take advantage of another aircraft, which is on final approach to land, by cutting in front of, or overtaking that aircraft.

Ground Control Frequencies

6.1 Pilots of departing aircraft should communicate with the control tower on the appropriate ground control/clearance delivery frequency prior to starting engines to receive engine start time, taxi and/or clearance information. Unless otherwise advised by the tower, remain on that frequency during taxiing and runup, then change to local control frequency when ready to request takeoff clearance.
Pilots are encouraged to monitor the local tower frequency as soon as practical consistent with other ATC requirements.
6.2 The tower controller will consider that pilots of turbine.powered aircraft are ready for takeoff when they reach the runway or warm.up block unless advised otherwise.
6.3 The majority of ground control frequencies are in the MHz bandwidth. Ground control frequencies are provided to eliminate frequency congestion on the tower (local control) frequency and are limited to communications between the tower and aircraft on the ground and between the tower and utility vehicles on the airport, provide a clear VHF channel for arriving and departing aircraft. They are used for issuance of taxi information, clearances, and other necessary contacts between the tower and aircraft or other vehicles operated on the airport. A pilot who has just landed should not change from the tower frequency to the ground control frequency until directed to do so by the controller. Normally, only one ground control frequency is assigned at an airport; however, at locations where the amount of traffic so warrants, a second ground control frequency and/or another frequency designated as a clearance delivery frequency, may be assigned.

6.4 A controller may omit the ground or local control frequency if the controller believes the pilot knows which frequency is in use. If the ground control frequency is in the 121 MHz bandwidth the controller may omit the numbers preceding the decimal point; e.g., 121.7, “CONTACT GROUND POINT SEVEN.” However, if any doubt exists as to what frequency is in use, the pilot should promptly request the controller to provide that information.
6.5 Controllers will normally avoid issuing a radio frequency change to helicopters, known to be single-piloted, which are hovering, air taxiing, or flying near the ground. At times, it may be necessary for pilots to alert ATC regarding single pilot operations to minimize delay of essential ATC communications. Whenever possible, ATC instruc-tions will be relayed through the frequency being monitored until a frequency change can be accomplished. Pilots must promptly advise ATC if they are unable to comply with a frequency change. Also, pilots should advise ATC if they must land to accomplish the frequency change unless it is clear the landing; e.g., on a taxiway or in a helicopter operating area, will have no impact on other air traffic.
7. Traffic Control Light Signals
7.1 The following procedures are used by airport traffic control towers in the control of aircraft, ground vehicles, equipment, and personnel not equipped with radio. These same procedures will be used to control aircraft, ground vehicles, equipment, and personnel equipped with radio if radio contact cannot be established. Airport traffic control personnel use a directive traffic control signal which emits an intense narrow beam of a selected color (either red, white, or green) when controlling traffic by light signals.
7.2 Although the traffic signal light offers the advantage that some control may be exercised over nonradio.equipped aircraft, pilots should be cogni-zant of the disadvantages which are:
7.2.1 The pilot may not be looking at the control tower at the time a signal is directed toward him/her; and
7.2.2 The directions transmitted by a light signal are very limited since only approval of a pilot’s anticipated actions may be transmitted. No supple-ment or explanatory information may be transmitted except by the use of the “General Warning Signal” which advises the pilot to be on the alert.
7.3 Between sunset and sunrise, a pilot wishing to attract the attention of the control tower should turn on a landing light and taxi the aircraft into a position, clear of the active runway, so that light is visible to the tower. The landing light should remain on until appropriate signals are received from the tower.

TBL ENR 1.1.1
Air Traffic Control Tower Light Gun Signals
Color and Type of Signal  Movement of Vehicles, Equipment and Personnel  Aircraft on the Ground  Aircraft in Flight 
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