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时间:2011-04-18 01:03来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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4.2.3 When a “stopover” flight is anticipated to cover an extended period of time, it is recommended that a separate flight plan be filed for each “leg” when the stop is expected to be more than 1.hour duration.
4.2.4 Pilots are encouraged to give their departure times directly to the FSS serving the departure airport or as otherwise indicated by the FSS when the flight plan is filed. This will ensure more efficient flight plan service and permit the FSS to advise you of significant changes in aeronautical facilities or meteorological conditions. When a VFR flight plan is filed, it will be held by the FSS until 1 hour after the proposed departure time and then canceled unless: The actual departure time is received. A revised proposed departure time is received. At a time of filing, the FSS is informed that the proposed departure time will be met, but actual time cannot be given because of inadequate communications (assumed departures).
4.2.5 On pilot’s request, at a location having an active tower, the aircraft identification will be forwarded by the tower to the FSS for reporting the actual departure time. This procedure should be avoided at busy airports.
4.2.6 Although position reports are not required for VFR flight plans, periodic reports to FAA flight service stations along the route are good practice. Such contacts permit significant information to be passed to the transiting aircraft and also serve to check the progress of the flight should it be necessary for any reason to locate the aircraft.
Bonanza 314K, over Kingfisher at (time), VFR flight plan, Tulsa to Amarillo.

Cherokee 5133J, over Oklahoma City at (time), Shreveport to Denver, no flight plan.

4.2.7 Pilots not operating on an IFR flight plan, and when in level cruising flight, are cautioned to conform with VFR cruising altitudes appropriate to direction of flight.
4.2.8 When filing VFR flight plans, indicate aircraft equipment capabilities by appending the appropriate suffix to aircraft type in the same manner as that prescribed for IFR flight. Under some circumstances, ATC computer tapes can be useful in constructing the radar history of a downed or crashed aircraft. In each case, knowledge of the aircraft’s transponder equipment is necessary in determining whether or not such computer tapes might prove effective.
AIP, ENR 1.10, paragraph 5.1 and TBL ENR 1.10.2, Aircraft Equipment Suffixes.
4.2.9 Explanation of VFR Flight Plan Items. Block 1. Check the type flight plan. Check both the VFR and IFR blocks if composite VFR/IFR. Block 2. Enter your complete aircraft identification including the prefix “N” if applicable. Block 3. Enter the designator for the aircraft, or if unknown, consult an FSS briefer. Block 4. Enter your true airspeed (TAS). Block 5. Enter the departure airport identifier code (or the airport name, city and state, if the identifier is unknown). Block 6. Enter the proposed departure time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). If airborne, specify the actual or proposed departure time, as appropriate. Block 7. Enter the appropriate VFR altitude (to assist the briefer in providing weather and wind information). Block 8. Define the route of flight by using NAVAID identifier codes and airways. Block 9. Enter the destination airport identifier code, or if unknown, the airport name.
Include the city name (or even the state name) if needed for clarity. Block 10. Enter your estimated time en route, in hours and minutes. Block 11. Enter only those remarks pertinent to ATC or to the clarification of other flight plan information such as the appropriate radiotele-phony (call sign) associated with the designator filed in Block 2. Items of a personal nature are not accepted. Specify the fuel on board, in hours and minutes. Specify an alternate airport if desired. Enter your complete name, address, and telephone number. Enter sufficient information to identify home base, airport, or operator.
This information is essential in the event of search and rescue operations. Block 15. Enter total number of persons on board including crew (POB). Block 16. Enter the predominant colors. Block 17. (Optional) Record a destination telephone number to assist Search and Rescue  should you fail to report or cancel your flight plan within 1/2 hour after your estimated time of arrival (ETA).
CAUTION. A control tower at destination point does not automatically close VFR flight plans; it remains the responsibility of a pilot to close his/her own flight plan. Record the FSS name for closing the flight plan. If the flight plan is closed with a different FSS or facility, state the recorded FSS name that would normally have closed your flight plan.
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