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时间:2010-08-15 08:53来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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The use of spurious names for unnamed fixes (typically extracted from navigation data bases) is to
be avoided. In addition to being undefined the names fail to adhere to the format specified for fixes
(five alphabetical characters) and so cause a syntax error in addition to the logical error. ARINC 424
type position reports are not to be used.
When specifying speeds in knots a leading zero is required if the speed is less than 1000 knots.
No blank spaces are to be inserted between speed and level.
The ICAO convention for specifying latitude and longitude in flight plan related messages differs
from that used by data base vendors in that the hemisphere indicators (N/S, E/W) should follow, not
precede, the numeric component. Therefore specifying a position as “N60W010” represents an error.
The use of FIR designators as fix names is invalid, these designators should only be used in the EET
sub-field of Item 18. Some flight plans contain such designators in Item 15 to indicate the transition
between two FIRs at an unnamed fix. This is a syntax error. The latitude and longitude should be
3.11 Field 18: Other Information
Insert the following information, in the preferred sequence shown below, which should always be
included for North Atlantic flights. Additional information, as contained in ICAO Doc. 4444,
appendix 3, may be included as appropriate.
The preface to the description of this Item in ICAO Doc. 4444 specifically states that only those subfields
for which there is data to report should be included in Item 18. A sub-field header with no
content constitutes a syntax error and will fail automatic processing.
Followed by waypoints or FIR Boundary designators plus accumulated estimated elapsed times from
take-off to such points.
For flights conducted in the NAT Region on random routes, accumulated estimated elapsed times
will be required for:
a) The last domestic reporting point prior to ocean entry.
b) The oceanic entry point.
c) Each significant point described in Item 15. (see note 2)
d) The oceanic exit point.
e) The first reporting point on the domestic track.
For flights operating along the entire length of a NAT organised track, estimated elapsed times will
be required for the commencement point of the track and for FIR boundaries.
For flights operating along the entire length of one of the PTS tracks, accumulated estimated elapsed
times will be required for the commencement point and for each significant point of the track
NAT MNPS 102 Edition 2008
For flights operating along the fixed ATS route network between NAM/CAR, no EETs are required.
Examples: EET/CAP0745 XYZ0830
Elapsed times to the oceanic entry point (e.g. EGGX0105) are required by Shanwick, New York and
Santa Maria OACCs only.
The registration markings of the aircraft, if different from the aircraft identification in Field 7.
(Aircraft registration should be assigned to this field for MNPS flights)
If the aircraft registration is missing, or if it is different from that contained in the AFN CONTACT
message, the ground system will not establish a CPDLC connection with that aircraft.
Hyphens contained in an aircraft registration must not be entered into the ICAO flight plan form.
SELCAL code, if so prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority.
As directed above, if no SELCAL code has been prescribed, this sub-field should be omitted rather
than inserting such data as, e.g., SEL/NIL or SEL/NONE or SEL/ followed by no data.
Being a free text field, this is a useful sub-field for the inclusion of data only defined in particular
regions (e.g. RMK/AGCS EQUIPPED RVR/800). Unrecogn¬ised sub-fields embedded within the
RMK/ sub-field would simply form part of the remarks and would not be processed. Hyphens must
not be used in this sub-field.
NAT MNPS 103 Edition 2008
Annex 2 * – Rules of the Air
http://www.paris.icao.int/ or www.icao.int
Annex 6 * Operation of aircraft
http://www.paris.icao.int/ or www.icao.int
Annex 10 *Aeronautical communications
http://www.paris.icao.int/ or www.icao.int
Canada AIP
Canadian NOTAM (PRMs)
Canadian Flight Supplement
CFMU Route Availability Doc Annex NAT (NERs)
中国航空网 www.aero.cn
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn