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时间:2010-08-15 08:53来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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from cleared track of 25 NM or more. Some of these errors are detected by means of long range radars as
aircraft leave oceanic airspace. Other such errors may also be identified through the scrutiny of routine
position reports from aircraft.
8.1.5 All reported navigation errors in North Atlantic airspace are thoroughly investigated.
Records show that navigation equipment or system technical failures are now fortunately rare. However,
when they do occur they can be subtle or progressive, resulting in a gradual and perhaps not immediately
discernible degradation of performance. Chapter 11 of this Manual provides guidance on detection and
recovery when such problems are encountered.
8.1.6 Unfortunately, human failings produce the vast majority of navigation errors in the North
Atlantic Region. As indicated above, while the flexible OTS structure and the employment of a 60 NM
lateral separation standard, provide for highly efficient use of NAT airspace, they also bring with them a
demand for strictly disciplined navigation procedures. About half of NAT flights route via an OTS track and
a large portion of the remaining random flights follow routes that at some point approach within one or two
degrees of the outermost OTS tracks. One consequence of this is that a single digit error in the latitude of
one significant point of an aircraft’s route definition will very likely lead to a conflict with another aircraft
which is routing correctly via the resulting common significant point. Ironically, the risk of an actual
collision between two aircraft routing via a common point, as is the case when such errors are made, is
further exacerbated by the improved technical accuracy of the modern navigation equipment employed.
8.1.7 Today in North Atlantic operations the predominant source of aircraft positioning
information is that of GPS. This includes aircraft that use stand-alone GPS equipment and aircraft where
GPS positioning information is integrated into the system navigation solution (e.g. a GPS / IRS mix). The
accuracy of GPS navigation is such that the actual flight paths of any two GPS equipped aircraft navigating
to a common point will almost certainly pass that point within less than a wingspan of each other. Given that
the North Atlantic is the most heavily used oceanic airspace anywhere in the world, it must therefore be
appreciated that even a single digit error in just one waypoint can result in a significant conflict potential.
8.1.8 The importance of employing strict navigation system operating procedures designed to
avoid the insertion of wrong waypoints or misunderstandings between pilots and ATC over cleared routes
cannot be over-emphasised. The principles embodied in many of the procedures described in this Chapter
are aimed squarely at the prevention of such problems.
8.1.9 Many of the procedures listed in this Chapter are not equipment specific and others may not
be pertinent to every aircraft. For specific equipment, reference should be made to Manufacturers' and
operators' handbooks and manuals.
8.1.10 There are various references in this material to two pilots; however when carried, a third
crew member should be involved in all cross check procedures to the extent practicable.
8.1.11 Maintenance of a high standard of navigation performance is absolutely essential to the
maintenance of safety in the NAT MNPS Airspace.
NAT MNPS 42 Edition 2008
Importance of Accurate Time
8.2.1 It must be recognised that proper operation of a correctly functioning LRNS will ensure that
the aircraft follows its cleared track. ATC applies standard separations between cleared tracks and thereby
assures the safe lateral separation of aircraft. However, longitudinal separations between subsequent aircraft
following the same track and between aircraft on intersecting tracks are assessed in terms of differences in
ETAs/ATAs at common waypoints. Aircraft clock errors resulting in position report time errors can
therefore lead to an erosion of actual longitudinal separations between aircraft. It is thus vitally important
that prior to entry into the NAT MNPS Airspace the time reference system to be used during the flight
is accurately synchronised to UTC and that the calculation of waypoint ETAs and the reporting of
waypoint ATAs are always referenced to this system. Many modern aircraft master clocks (typically the
FMS) can only be reset while the aircraft is on the ground. Thus the Pre-flight Procedures for any NAT
MNPS flight must include a UTC time check and resynchronisation of the aircraft master clock. Lists of
acceptable time sources for this purpose have been promulgated by NAT ATS Provider States.
8.2.2 The following are examples of acceptable time standards:
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