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时间:2010-08-15 08:53来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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NAT MNPS 28 Edition 2008
a) provision of the SELCAL code in the flight plan; (any subsequent change of aircraft for a
flight will require passing the new SELCAL information to the OAC);
b) checking the operation of the SELCAL equipment, at or prior to entry into Oceanic airspace,
with the appropriate aeradio station. (This SELCAL check must be completed prior to
commencing SELCAL watch); and
c) maintenance thereafter of a SELCAL watch
6.1.7 It is important to note that it is equally essential to comply with the foregoing SECAL
provisions even if ADS and/or CPDLC are being used for routine air/ground ATS communications.
This will ensure that ATC has a means of contacting the aircraft even if data communications fail.
Twelve Tone SELCAL
6.1.8 Flight management staffs and crews of aircraft equipped with 12-tone SELCAL equipment
should be made aware that SELCAL code assignment is predicated on the usual geographical area of
operation of that aircraft. If the aircraft is later flown in geographical areas other than as originally specified
by the aircraft operator, the aircraft may encounter a duplicate SELCAL code situation. Whenever an
aircraft is to be flown routinely beyond the area of normal operations or is changed to a new geographic
operating area, the aircraft operator should contact the SELCAL Registrar and request a SELCAL code
appropriate for use in the new area.
SELCAL Code Assignment
6.1.9 When acquiring a previously owned aircraft equipped with SELCAL, many aircraft
operators mistakenly assume that the SELCAL code automatically transfers to the purchaser or lessee. This
is not true. As soon as practical, it is the responsibility of the purchaser or lessee to obtain a SELCAL code
from the Registrar, or, if allocated a block of codes for a fleet of aircraft, to assign a new code from within
the block of allocated codes. In the latter instance, if 12-tone equipment is involved, the Registrar should be
consulted when there is any question as to the likely geographical area of operation and the possibility of
code duplication.
6.1.10 The registrar can be contacted via the AFTN address KDCAXAAG, and by including
“ATTN. OPS DEPT. (forward to SELCAL Registrar)” as the first line of message text.
VHF Voice Communications
6.1.11 Aeradio stations are also responsible for the operation of General Purpose VHF (GP/VHF)
outlets. North Atlantic flights may use these facilities for all regular and emergency communications with
relevant OACs. Such facilities are especially valuable in the vicinity of Iceland, Faroes and Greenland since
VHF is not as susceptible to sunspot activity as HF. Outlets are situated at Prins Christian Sund, which is
remotely controlled from Gander Aeradio station, and at Qaqatoqaq, Kulusuk, several locations in Iceland
and the Faroes, via Iceland Radio. Theoretical VHF coverage charts are included in the ICAO publication
NAT Doc 001 (available for download at http://www.nat-pco.org/). When using GP/VHF frequencies in
areas of fringe coverage however, care should be taken to maintain a SELCAL watch on HF thus ensuring
that if VHF contact is lost the aeradio station is still able to contact the aircraft. It is important for the pilot to
appreciate that when using GP/VHF, these communications are with an aeradio station and the pilot is not in
direct contact with ATC. However Direct Controller/Pilot Communications (DCPC) can be arranged, if
necessary, via patch-through on some GP/VHF frequencies.
6.1.12 Reykjavik centre operates several Direct Controller Pilot Communications (DCPC) VHF
stations providing coverage to approximately 250 NM from the coast of Iceland and Faroes. Those stations
are used to provide tactical procedural control and radar control within the South and East sectors of the
Reykjavik area. The callsign of the Reykjavik centre is “Reykjavik control” or just “Reykjavik” and
NAT MNPS 29 Edition 2008
indicates that the pilot is communicating directly with an air traffic controller. The callsign of Iceland radio
is “Iceland radio” or just “Iceland” and indicates that the pilot is communicating with a radio operator who
is relaying messages between the pilot and the appropriate control facility.
6.1.13 The carriage of HF communications equipment is mandatory for flight in the Shanwick
OCA. Aircraft with only functioning VHF communications equipment should plan their route outside the
Shanwick OCA and ensure that they remain within VHF coverage of appropriate ground stations throughout
the flight.. Details of communication requirements are published in State AIPs and ICAO publications.
SATCOM Voice Communications
6.1.14 SATCOM ATS air/ground voice communications are in various stages of trial and/or
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