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时间:2010-08-15 08:53来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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indicates. Cross-check by reading present position.
􀂾 Flight deck drills. There are some tasks on the flight deck which can safely be delegated to
one member of the crew, but navigation using automated systems is emphatically not one of
them, and the Captain should participate in all navigation cross-check procedures. All such
cross-checks should be performed independently by at least two pilots.
􀂾 Initialisation errors. Always return to the ramp and re-initialise inertial systems if the aircraft
is moved before the navigation mode is selected. If after getting airborne, it is found that during
initialisation a longitude insertion error has been made, unless the crew thoroughly understand
what they are doing, and have also either had recent training on the method or carry written
drills on how to achieve the objective, the aircraft should not proceed into MNPS Airspace, but
should turn back or make an en route stop.
􀂾 Waypoint loading. Before departure, at least two pilots should independently check that the
following agree: computer flight plan, ICAO flight plan, track plotted on chart, and if
appropriate, the track message. In flight, involve two different sources in the cross-checking, if
possible. Do not be so hurried in loading waypoints that mistakes become likely, and always
check waypoints against the current ATC clearance. Always be aware that the cleared route
may differ from that contained in the filed flight plan. Prior to entering the NAT MNPSA
ensure that the waypoints programmed into the navigation computer reflect the Oceanic
Clearance received and not any different previously entered planned or requested route.
􀂾 Use a flight progress chart on the flight deck. It has been found that making periodic plots of
position on a suitable chart and comparing with current cleared track, greatly helps in the
identification of errors before getting too far from track.
􀂾 Consider making a simple use of basic DR Navigation as a back-up. Outside polar regions,
provided that the magnetic course (track) is available on the flight log, a check against the
magnetic heading being flown, plus or minus drift, is likely to indicate any gross tracking error.
􀂾 Always remember that something absurd may have happened in the last half-hour. There are
often ways in which an overall awareness of directional progress can be maintained; the position
of the sun or stars; disposition of contrails; islands or coast-lines which can be seen directly or
by using radar; radio navaids, and so forth. This is obvious and basic, but some of the errors
which have occurred could have been prevented if the crew had shown more of this type of
􀂾 If the crew suspects that equipment failure may be leading to divergence from cleared track, it
is better to advise ATC sooner rather than later.
In conclusion, navigation equipment installations vary greatly between operators; but lessons learned from
past mistakes may help to prevent mistakes of a similar nature occurring to others in the future.
NAT MNPS 82 Edition 2008
Chapter 14: The Prevention of Deviations From Track as a Result of
Waypoint Insertion Errors
14.1.1 During the monitoring of navigation performance in the NAT MNPS Airspace, a number of
GNEs are reported. There were 20 in 2006 and 22 in 2007. Such errors are normally detected by means of
long range radars as aircraft leave oceanic airspace but are increasingly confirmed by means of ADS
waypoint reporting. In addition, however, on 132 occasions in 2006 and 140 occasions in 2007, potential
navigation errors were identified by ATC from routine aircraft position reports (from “next” or “next plus
one” waypoints) and ATC were able to intervene to prevent incorrect routing by the aircraft. Of the 140
such instances in 2007, 127 were attributable to crew errors..
14.1.2 Investigations into the causes of all recent deviations show that about 25% are attributable to
equipment control errors by crews and that almost all of these errors are the result of programming the
navigation system(s) with incorrect waypoint data – otherwise known as waypoint insertion errors. The
remainder comprise mainly the following of the filed flight plan route rather than the cleared route (the
primary cause of some 80% of the ATC Interventions described in 14.1.1 above.).
14.2.1 Waypoint insertion errors can be virtually eliminated if all operators/crews adhere at all
times to approved operating procedures and cross checking drills. This Manual provides a considerable
amount of guidance and advice based on experience gained the hard way, but it is quite impossible to
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