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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Amdt. 25-88, E.. 12/9/96
FAR 25.813 : Emergency exit access.
Each required emergency exit must be accessible to thepassengers andlocated where it will a.ord an e.ective means of evacuation. Emergency exit distribution must be as uniform as practical, taking passenger distribution into account; however, the size and locationofexitsonboth sidesofthecabinneed notbesymmetrical.If only one .oorlevel exitper sideisprescribed, and the airplanedoes nothave a tailcone or ventral emergency exit, the .oor level exit must be in the rearward part of the passenger compartment, unless another location a.ords a more e.ective means of passenger evacuation. Where more than one .oor level exit per side is prescribed, at least one .oor level exit per side mustbelocated near each end of the cabin, exceptthatthisprovisiondoes not apply to combination cargo/passenger con.gurations. In addition–
(a) [ There must be a passageway leading from the nearest main aisle to each Type A, Type B, Type C, Type I, or Type II emergency exit and between individual passenger areas. Each passageway leading to a Type A or Type B exit must be

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart D : Design and Construction
unobstructed and atleast36inches wide.Passagewaysbetweenindividualpassen-ger areas and those leading to Type I, Type II, or Type C emergency exits must be unobstructed and at least 20 inches wide. Unless there are two or more main aisles,eachTypeA orB exitmustbelocated sothatthereispassenger .owalong themain aisletothat exitfromboth theforward and aftdirections.If twoormore main aislesareprovided,there mustbe unobstructed cross-aislesatleast20inches wide between main aisles. There must be–
A cross-aisle whichleadsdirectly to eachpassagewaybetween the nearest main aisle and aTypeA orB exit; and]

A cross-aisle which leads to the immediate vicinity of each passageway bet-ween the nearest main aisle and aTypeI,TypeII, orTypeIII exit; except that when two Type III exits are located within three passenger rows of each other, a single cross-aisle may be used if it leads to the vicinity between the passageways from the nearest main aisle to each exit.

[Adequate space to allow crewmember(s) to assist in the evacuation of passengers must be provided as follows :

The assist space must not reduce the unobstructed width of the passageway below that required for the exit.

For eachTypeA orTypeB exit, assistspace mustbeprovided at each side of the exit regardless of whether a means is required by Sec. 25.810(a) to assist passengers in descending to the ground from that exit.

Assist space must be provided at one side of any other type exit required by Sec.25.810(a)tohave a means to assistpassengersindescendingto theground from that exit.]


The following must be provided for each Type III or Type IV exit–

(1) There must be access from the nearest aisle to each exit. In addition, for each Type III exit in an airplane that has a passenger seating con.guration of 60 or more–
Except asprovidedinparagraph(c)(1)(ii), the access mustbeprovided by an unobstructed passageway that is at least 10 inches in width for interior arrangements in which the adjacent seat rows on the exit side of the aisle contain no more than two seats, or20inchesin width forinterior arrangements in which those rows contain three seats. The width of the passagewaymust be measured with adjacent seats adjusted to their most adverse position. The centerline of the required passageway width must not be displaced more than 5 inches horizontally from that of the exit.

In lieu of one 10-or 20-inch passageway, there may be two passageways, between seat rows only, that must be at least 6 inches in width and lead to an unobstructed space adjacent to each exit. (Adjacent exits must not share a common passageway.) The width of the passageways must be measured with adjacent seats adjusted totheir most adverseposition. The unobstructed space adjacent to the exit must extend vertically from the .oortotheceiling(orbottomof sidewall stowagebins),inboardfrom the exitfor adistance notlessthanthe width of the narrowestpassenger seat installed on the airplane, and from the forward edge of the forward passageway to the aft edge of the aft passageway. The exit opening must be totally within the fore and aft bounds of the unobstructed space.
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(98)