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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Each lift and drag device control must be designed and located to make in-advertent operation improbable. Lift and drag devices intended for ground operationonly musthavemeanstopreventtheinadvertent operationof their controls in .ight if that operation could be hazardous.

The rate of motion of the surfaces in response to the operation of the control and the characteristics of the automatic positioning or load limiting device must give satisfactory .ight and performance characteristics under steady or changing conditions of airspeed, engine power, and airplane attitude.

(d) The lift device control must be designed to retract the surfaces from the fully extendedposition,during steady .ightatmaximumcontinuousenginepower at any speed below VF +9.0(knots).
Amdt. 25-57, E.. 3/26/84
FAR25.699 :[Lift anddragdeviceindicator.]
[There mustbe meanstoindicatetothepilotstheposition ofeachlift ordrag devicehaving a separate controlinthe cockpitto adjustitsposition.In addi-tion, anindication of unsymmetrical operation or other malfunction in thelift ordragdevice systemsmustbeprovided when suchindicationis necessary to enablethepilotstoprevent orcounteract anunsafe .ight orground condition, considering the e.ects on .ight characteristics and performance.

There mustbe meanstoindicatetothepilotsthetakeo., en route, approach, and landing lift device positions.

If any extension of thelift anddragdevicesbeyond the landingpositionispos-sible, the controls must be clearly marked to identify this range of extension.]

Amdt. 25-23, E.. 5/8/70
FAR25.701 :[Flap and slatinterconnection.]
[ Unless the airplane has safe .ight characteristics with the .aps or slats re-tracted on one side and extended on the other, the motion of .aps or slats on opposite sides of theplane of symmetry mustbe synchronizedby a mechanical interconnection or approved equivalent means.

If a wing .ap or slat interconnection or equivalent means is used, it must be designed to account for the applicable unsymmetrical loads, including those resulting from .ight with the engines on one side of the plane of symmetry inoperative and the remaining engines at takeo. power.

For airplanes with.aps or slats thatare not subjected to slipstream conditions, the structure must be designed for the loads imposed when the wing .aps or slatson onesidearecarrying the mostsevereload occurringintheprescribed symmetrical conditions and those on the other side are carrying not more than 80 percent of that load.

The interconnection must be designed for the loads resulting when intercon-nected .ap orslatsurfacesononesideoftheplaneof symmetry arejammed and immovable while the surfaces on the other side are free to move and the full power of the surface actuating system is applied.]

Amdt. 25-72, E.. 8/20/90
FAR25.703:[Takeo.warning system.]
[A takeo. warningsystem must be installed and must meet the following require-ments :
(a) The system must provide to the pilots an aural warning that is automatically activated during the initial portion of the takeo. roll if the airplane is in a con.guration, including any of the following, that would not allow a safe takeo. :

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart D : Design and Construction
The wing .aps or leading edge devices are not within the approved range of takeo. positions.

Wing spoilers(exceptlateral control spoilersmeeting the requirementsof Sec. 25.671), speed brakes, or longitudinal trim devices are in a position that would not allow a safe takeo..

The warning requiredbyparagraph(a) of this section must continue until–

The con.guration is changed to allow a safe takeo.;

Action is taken by the pilot to terminate the takeo. roll;

The airplane is rotated for takeo.; or
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(78)