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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者


There must be a propeller speed limiting means at the governor. It must limit the maximum possible governed engine speed to a value not exceeding the maximum allowable r.p.m.

[The means used to limit the low pitch position ofthe propeller blades must be set so that the engine does not exceed 103 percent of the maximum allowable engine rpmor99percentof anapproved maximumoverspeed,whicheverisgreater,with–

The propeller blades at the low pitch limit and governor inoperative;

The airplanestationary understandard atmosphericconditionswith nowind; and

The engines operating at the takeo. manifold pressure limit for reciprocating engine powered airplanes or the maximum takeo. torque limit for turbopro-peller engine-powered airplanes.]


Amdt. 25-72, E.. 8/20/90
45.2 Performance
FAR 25.101 : General.
Unless otherwiseprescribed, airplanes must meetthe applicableperformance requi-rements of this subpart for ambient atmospheric conditions and still air.

The performance, as a.ected by engine power or thrust, must be based on the following relative humidities :

(1) For turbine engine powered airplanes, a relative humidity of–
80percent, at andbelow standard temperatures; and

34 percent, at and above standard temperatures plus 50 degrees F.

Between these two temperatures, the relative humidity must vary linearly.
(2) For reciprocating engine powered airplanes, a relative humidity of 80 percent in a standard atmosphere. Engine power corrections for vapor pressure must be made in accordance with the following table :

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart B : Flight
Altitude H (ft.)  Vapor pressure e (In. Hg.)  Speci.c humidity w  Density ratio 
(Lb. moisture per lb. dry air)  Ω = P 0.0023769 
0  0.403  0.00849  0.99508 
1,000  0.354  0.00773  0.96672 
2,000  0.311  0.00703  0.93895 
3,000  0.272  0.00638  0.91178 
4,000  0.238  0.00578  0.88514 
5,000  0.207  0.00523  0.8591 
6,000  0.1805  0.00472  0.83361 
7,000  0.1566  0.00425  0.8087 
8,000  0.1356  0.00382  0.78434 
9,000  0.1172  0.00343  0.76053 
10,000  0.101  0.00307  0.73722 
15,000  0.0463  0.00171  0.62868 
20,000  0.01978  0.000896  0.53263 
25,000  0.00778  0.000436  0.44806 

The performance must correspond to the propulsive thrust available under the par-ticular ambient atmospheric conditions, the particular .ight condition, and the relativehumidity speci.edinparagraph(b) ofthis section.The availablepropul-sivethrust must correspond to enginepowerorthrust, notexceeding the approved power or thrust, less–

Installation losses; and

The power or equivalent thrust absorbed by the accessories and services ap-propriate to theparticular ambientatmospheric conditions and theparticular .ight condition.


Unless otherwise prescribed, the applicant must select the takeo., en route, ap-proach, and landing con.gurations for the airplane.

The airplane con.gurations may vary with weight, altitude, and temperature, to the extent they are compatible with the operating procedures required by paragraph (f)of this section.

Unless otherwise prescribed, in determining the accelerate-stop distances, takeo. .ightpaths, takeo.distances, andlandingdistances, changesin the airplane’s con.-guration, speed, power, and thrust, must be made in accordance with procedures established by the applicant for operation in service.
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(23)