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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Class A. A Class A cargo or baggage compartment is one in which–

The presence of a .re would be easily discovered by a crewmember while at his station; and

Each part of the compartment is easily accessible in .ight.


Class B. A Class B cargo or baggage compartment is one in which–

There is su.cient access in .ight to enable a crew member to e.ectively reach any part of the compartment with the contents of a hand .re extinguisher;

When the access provisions are being used, no hazardous quantity of smoke, .ames, or extinguishing agent, will enter any compartment occupied by the crew or passengers;

There is a separate approved smoke detector or .re detector system to give warning at the pilot or .ight engineer station; and



Class C. A Class C cargo or baggage compartment is one not meeting the require-ments for either a Class A or B compartment but in which–

There is a separate approved smoke detector or .re detector system to give warning at the pilot or .ight engineer station.

[Thereisanapprovedbuilt-in .reextinguishingorsuppressionsystemcontrol-lable from the cockpit.]

There are means to exclude hazardous quantities of smoke, .ames, or extin-guishing agent, from any compartment occupied by the crew or passengers;


Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart D : Design and Construction
There are means to control ventilation and drafts within the compartment so that the extinguishing agent used can control any .re that may start within the compartment; and



Class E.AClassE cargocompartmentisoneonairplanesused onlyforthe carriage of cargo and in which–


There is a separate approved smoke or .re detector system to give warning at the pilot or .ight engineer station;

There are means to shut o. the ventilating air.ow to, or within, the compart-ment, and the controls for these means are accessible to the .ight crew in the crew compartment;

Therearemeanstoexcludehazardousquantitiesof smoke, .ames,ornoxious gases, from the .ight crew compartment; and

The required crew emergency exits are accessible under any cargo loading condition.


Amdt. 25-93, E.. 3/19/98
FAR 25.858 : Cargo [or baggage compartment smoke or .re detection sys-tems.]
[Ifcerti.cationwith cargoorbaggagecompartment smokeor .redetectionprovisions is requested,thefollowingmustbe metfor each cargo orbaggage compartment with those provisions :]
The detection system must provide a visual indication to the .ight crew within one minute after the start of a .re.

The system must be capable of detecting a .re at a temperature signi.cantly below that at which the structural integrity of the airplane is substantially decreased.

There must be means to allow the crew to check in .ight, the functioning of each .re detector circuit.

The e.ectiveness of the detection system must be shown for all approved operating

con.gurations and conditions. Amdt. 25-93, E.. 3/19/98
FAR 25.859 : Combustion heater .re protection.
(a) Combustion heater .re zones. The following combustion heater .re zones must be protected from .re in accordance with the applicable provisions of Secs. 25.1181 through 25.1191 and 25.1195 through 25.1203 :
The region surrounding the heater, if this region contains any .ammable .uid system components(excluding theheaterfuel system),that could–

Bedamagedby heater malfunctioning; or

Allow .ammable .uids or vapors to reach the heater in case of leakage.
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(105)