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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Thelandinggear extended;

The wing .aps(i) retracted and(ii) extended; and

Power(i) o. and(ii) at maximum continuouspower onthe engines.


With the landinggear extended, no changein trim control, or exertion of more than 50pounds controlforce(representative of the maximum short-termforcethat can be applied readily by one hand) may be required for the following maneuvers :

[Withpowero., .apsretracted,andtheairplanetrimmed at1.3VSR1, extend the .aps as rapidly as possible while maintaining the airspeed at approxi-mately 30 percent above the reference stall speed existing at each instant throughout the maneuver.]

Repeat paragraph (b)(1) except initially extend the .aps and then retract them as rapidly as possible.

Repeatparagraph(b)(2), except atthego-aroundpower orthrust setting.

[Withpowero., .apsretracted,andtheairplanetrimmed at1.3VSR1, rapidly setgo-aroundpower orthrust while maintaining the same airspeed.]

Repeatparagraph(b)(4) exceptwith .apsextended.

[With power o., .aps extended, andthe airplane trimmed at 1.3VSR1, obtain and maintain airspeeds between VSW and either 1.6VSR1 pr VFE whichever is lower.


Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart B : Flight
It must be possible, without exceptional piloting skill, to prevent loss of altitude when complete retraction of the high-lift devicesfrom anyposition is begun during steady,straight,level.ight at1.08VSR1 forpropellerpoweredairplanes, or1.3VSR1 for turbojet powered airplanes, with–]

Simultaneous movementofthepower orthrust controlsto thego-aroundpower orthrust setting;

Thelandinggear extended; and

The critical combinations of landing weights and altitudes.


Ifgatedhigh-lifedevice controlpositions areprovided,paragraph(c) of this section appliesto retractions of thehigh-liftdevicesfrom anypositionfromthe maximum landingpositiontothe .rstgatedposition,betweengatedpositions,andfromthe last gated position to the fully retracted position. The requirements of paragraph (c)of this section also apply to retractionsfrom each approvedlandingpositionto the controlposition(s) associated with thehigh-liftdevice con.guration(s) used to establish the go-around procedure(s) from that landing position. In addition, the .rst gated control position from the maximum landing position must correspond with a con.guration of thehigh-liftdevices used to establish ago-aroundprocedure from alanding con.guration.Eachgated controlposition must require a separate and distinct motion of the control to pass through the gated position and must have features to prevent inadvertent movement of the control through the gated position. It must only be possible to make this separate and distinct motion once the control has reached the gated position.

Amdt. 25-108, E.. 12/26/2002
FAR 25.147 : Directional and lateral control.
Directional control;general. It must be possible, with the wings level, to yaw into the operative engine and to safely make a reasonably sudden change in heading of up to 15 degrees in the direction of the critical inoperative engine. This must be shown at[1.3VSR1]forheading changes up to15degrees(exceptthattheheading change at which the rudder pedal force is 150 pounds need not be exceeded), and with–

The criticalengineinoperative anditspropellerin the minimumdragposition;

Thepowerrequiredforlevel .ightat[1.3VSR1], but not more than maximum continuous power;

The most unfavorable center of gravity;

Landing gear retracted;

Flapsinthe approachposition; and

Maximum landing weight.


Directional control; airplanes withfourormoreengines.Airplanes withfour or more engines must meetthe requirements ofparagraph(a) of this section exceptthat–
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(33)