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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

The stall warning marginmustbe su.cientto allowthepilottopreventstalling(as de.nedinSec.25.201(d)) when recoveryisinitiated notlessthan one second after the onset of stall warning in slow-down turns with at least 1.5g load factor normal to the .ight path and airspeed deceleration rates of at least 2 knots per second, with the .apsandlandinggearinany normalposition,with theairplanetrimmed for straight .ight at a speed of 1.3 VSR, and with thepower orthrust necessary to maintain level .ight at 1.3 VSR.

Stall warning must also be provided in each abnormal con.guration of the high lift devices that is likely to be used in .ight following system failures (including all con.gurations coveredby AirplaneFlightManualprocedures).]

Amdt. 25-108, E.. 12/26/2002
45.7 Ground and Water Handling Characteristics
FAR 25.231 : Longitudinal stability and control.
(a) Landplanes may have no uncontrollable tendency to nose over in any reasonably expected operating condition or when rebound occurs during landing or takeo.. In addition–
Wheel brakes must operate smoothly and may not cause any undue tendency to nose over; and

If a tail-wheel landing gear is used, it must be possible, during the takeo. ground run on concrete, to maintain any[attitude up to thrustlinelevel, at 75 percent of VSR1.]

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart B : Flight
(b) For seaplanes and amphibians, the most adverse water conditions safe for takeo., taxiing, and landing, must be established.
Amdt. 25-108, E.. 12/26/2002
FAR 25.233 : Directional stability and control.
There may be no uncontrollable ground-looping tendency in 90'cross winds, up to awind velocity of20knotsor[0.2 VSRO ], whichever is greater, except that the wind velocity need not exceed 25 knots at any speed at which the airplane may be expected to be operated on the ground. This may be shown while establishing the 90'cross component of wind velocity required by Sec. 25.237.

Landplanes must be satisfactorily controllable, without exceptional piloting skill or alertness, in power-o. landings at normal landing speed, without using brakes or engine power to maintain a straight path. This may be shown during power-o. landings made in conjunction with other tests.

The airplane must have adequate directional control during taxiing. This may be shown during taxiing prior to takeo.s made in conjunction with other tests.

Amdt. 25-108, E.. 12/26/2002
FAR 25.235 : Taxiing condition.
The shock absorbing mechanism may not damage the structure of the airplane when the airplaneis taxied on the roughestground that may reasonablybe expectedin normal operation.
FAR 25.237 : Wind velocities.
For landplanes and amphibians, a 90-degree cross component of wind velocity, de-monstrated to be safe for takeo. and landing, must be established for dry runways and mustbe atleast20knots or[0.2 VSRO], whichever is greater, except that it need not exceed 25 knots.

For seaplanes and amphibians, the following applies :

A 90-degree cross component of wind velocity, up to which takeo. and landing is safe under all water conditions that may reasonably be expected in normal operation, mustbe established and mustbe atleast20knots or[0.2 VSRO], whichever is greater, except that it need not exceed 25 knots.

A wind velocity, for which taxiing is safe in any direction under all water conditions that may reasonably be expected in normal operation, must be established and mustbe atleast20knots or[0.2 VSRO], whicheverisgreater, except that it need not exceed 25 knots.


Amdt. 25-108, E.. 12/26/2002
FAR 25.239 : Spray characteristics, control, and stability on water.
(a) For seaplanes andamphibians,during takeo., taxiing, andlanding, andin the condi-tions setforthinparagraph(b) of this section,there may be no–
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(40)