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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Appendix A : Simpli.ed Design Load Criteria
The system limit loads need not exceed those that could be produced by the pilot and automatic devices operating the controls; and

Thedesign mustprovide a rugged systemfor service use,includingjam-ming, ground gusts, taxiing downwind, control inertia, and friction.

(2) Acceptable maximum and minimum limitpilotforcesfor elevator, aileron, and rudder controls are shown in the table in Sec. 23.397(b). These pilots loads mustbe assumed to act at the appropriate controlgrips orpads as they would under .ight conditions, and to be reacted at the attachments of the control system to the control surface horn.
Dual controls. If there are dual controls, the systems must be designed for pilots operating in opposition, using individual pilot loads equal to 75 percent of those obtainedin accordance withparagraph(a) of this section, except thatindividual pilot loads may not be less than the minimum limit pilot forces shown in the table in Sec. 23.397(b).

Ground gust conditions.Groundgust conditionsmust meetthe requirementsofSec.


Secondary controls and systems. Secondary controls and systems must meet the requirements of Sec. 23.405.

Limit .ight load factors 
Flight load factors  Normal category  Utility category  Acrobatic category 
Flaps Up  n1  3.8  4.4  6.0 
n2  .0.5n1 
n3  Find n3 from (Figure 35.3, p. 452). 
n4  Find n4 from (Figure 35.4, p. 452). 
Flaps down  nflap  0.5n1 
nflap  Zero. 

Vertical wing load may be assumed equal to zero and only the .ap part of the wing need be checked for this condition.
Tab. 35.1 – Limit Flight Load Factors
Average limit control surface loading 
Surface  Direction of loading  magnitude of loading  chordwise distribution 
Horizontal Tail I  a) up and down  (Figure 35.7, p. 454) curve (2)  see (Figure 35.9, p. 455) 
b) Unsymetrical loading (upand down)  100% ˉw on one side of airplane c 65% ˉw on other side of airplane cfor normal and utility categories. For acrobatic category see A23.11(c) 
Vertical Tail II  Right and left  (Figure 35.7, p. 454) curve (1)  Same as above 
Aileron III  a) up and down  (Figure 35.8, p. 454) curve (5)  (C) 
Wing .ap IV  a) up  (Figure 35.8, p. 454) curve (4)  (D) 
b) down  .25× up load (a) 
Trim Tab V  a) up and down  (Figure 35.8, p. 454) curve (3)  same as (D) above 
Note :  The surface loading I, II, III, and IV above are based on speeds VA min and VC min. The loading of IV is based on VF min. If values of speed greater than these minimums are selected for de-sign, the appropriate surface loadings must be multiplied by the ratio / Vselected Vminimum、2 . For conditions I, II, III, and V the multiplying factor used must be the higher of VAsel. VAmin.or VCsel. VCmin..

()2 ()2
Tab. 35.2 –[Averagelimitcontrolsurfaceloading.]
C Hinge


Fig. 35.2 – (Table 35.2, p. 451)

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Appendix A : Simpli.ed Design Load Criteria
n3 / n1

n1 W/S
Fig. 35.3– Chartfor .nding n3 factor at speed VC.(VCmin. isfoundfrom(Figure 35.5,p.453))
n4 / n1

n1 W/S
Fig. 35.4– Chartfor .nding n4 factor at speed VC.(VCmin. isfoundfrom(Figure 35.5,p.453))

VDmin  =  24.0  n1  W S  but not exceed 1.4 . n1 3.8 VCmin 
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(11)