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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Subpart C : Structure
FAR 25.349 : Rolling conditions.
The airplane mustbedesignedforloads resultingfrom the rollingconditions speci.ed inparagraphs(a) and(b) ofthis section.Unbalanced aerodynamic moments about the center of gravity must be reacted to in a rational or conservative manner, considering theprincipal massesfurnishing the[reacting inertiaforces.]
Maneuvering. The following conditions, speeds, and aileron de.ections (except as the de.ections may be limited by pilot e.ort) must be considered in combination with an airplane load factor of zero and of two-thirds of the positive maneuvering factor used in design. In determining the required aileron de.ections, the torsional .exibility of the wing must be considered in accordance with Sec. 25.301(b) :

Conditions corresponding to steady rolling velocities must be investigated. In addition, conditions corresponding to maximum angular acceleration must be investigatedfor airplanes withengines or other weightconcentrations outboard of the fuselage. For the angular acceleration conditions, zero rolling velocity may be assumed in the absence of a rational time history investigation of the maneuver.

At VA, a sudden de.ection of the aileron to the stop is assumed.

At VC, the aileron de.ection must be that required to produce a rate of roll notlessthanthat obtainedinparagraph(a)(2) of this section.

At VD, the aileron de.ection must be that required to produce a rate of roll notlessthan one-third of thatinparagraph(a)(2) ofthisparagraph.


Unsymmetrical gusts. The airplane is assumed to be subjected to unsymmetrical vertical gusts in level .ight. The resulting limit loads must be determined from either the wing maximum airload derived directly from Sec. 25.341(a), or the wing maximum airload derived indirectly from the vertical load factor calculated from Sec. 25.341(a). It must be assumed that 100 percent of the wing air load acts on one side of the airplane and 80 percent of the wing air load acts on the other side.

Amdt. 25-94, E.. 3/25/98
FAR25.351:[Yawmaneuver] conditions.
[The airplane must be designed for loads resulting from yaw maneuver conditions speci.edinparagraphs(a) through(d) of this sectionatspeedsfrom VMC to VD. Unba-lanced aerodynamic moments about the center ofgravity mustbe reactedin a rational or conservative manner considering the airplane inertia forces. In computing the tail loads the yawing velocity may be assumed to be zero.
With theairplaneinunaccelerated .ightatzeroyaw,itisassumed thatthecockpit rudder control is suddenly displaced to achieve the resulting rudder de.ection, as limited by :

The control system on control surface stops; or

Alimitpilotforce of300poundsfromVMC to VA and200poundsfrom VC/MC to VD/MD, with a linear variation between VA and VC/MC.


With the cockpit rudder control de.ected so as always to maintain the maximum rudderde.ection available withinthelimitations speci.edinparagraph(a) of this section, it is assumed that the airplane yaws to the overswing sideslip angle.

With the airplane yawed to the static equilibrium sideslip angle, it is assumed that the cockpit rudder control is held so as to achieve the maximum rudder de.ection available withinthelimitations speci.edinparagraph(a) of this section.

Withthe airplaneyawed tothe static equilibrium sideslip angle ofparagraph(c) of this section, it is assumed that the cockpit rudder control is suddenly returned to neutral.]

Amdt. 25-91, E.. 7/29/97
46.4 Supplementary Conditions
FAR 25.361 : Engine torque.
[Each engine mount and its supporting structure must be designed for the e.ects of–]

Alimitenginetorque correspondingtotakeo.power andpropeller speed acting simultaneously with 75 percent of the limit loads from .ight condition A of Sec. 25.333(b);
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(50)