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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Positioned so that the seat will not interfere with the use of a passageway or exit when the seat is not in use.

Located to minimize the probability that occupants would su.er injury by being struck by items dislodged from service areas, stowage compartments, or service equipment.

Either forward or rearward facing with an energy absorbing rest that is desi-gned to support the arms, shoulders, head, and spine.

Equipped with a restraint system consisting of a combined safety belt and shoulder harness unit with a single point release. There must be means to secure each restraint system when not in use to prevent interference with rapid egress in an emergency.

Each safety belt must be equipped with a metal to metal latching device.


If the seat backs do not provide a .rm handhold, there must be a handgrip or rail along each aisle to enable persons to steady themselves while using the aisles in moderately rough air.

Eachprojectingobjectthat wouldinjurepersons seated or moving aboutthe airplane in normal .ight must be padded.

Each forward observer’s seat required by the operating rules must be shown to be suitable for use in conducting the necessary enroute inspection.

Amdt. 25-88, E.. 12/9/96
FAR 25.787 : Stowage compartments.
(a) Each compartment for the stowage of cargo, baggage, carry-on articles, and equip-ment (such as life rafts), and any other stowage compartment must be designed foritsplacarded maximum weightof contents andforthe criticalloaddistribution at the appropriate maximum load factors corresponding to the speci.ed .ight and groundload conditions, and to the emergencylanding conditions of Sec. 25.561(b), except that the forces speci.ed in the emergency landing conditions need not be appliedto compartmentslocatedbelow, orforward, of all occupantsin the airplane. If the airplane has a passenger seating con.guration, excluding pilots seats, of 10 seats or more, each stowage compartment in the passenger cabin, except for un-derseatand overhead compartmentsforpassenger convenience, mustbe completely enclosed.
There mustbe a means toprevent the contentsin the compartmentsfrom becoming a hazard by shifting, under the loads speci.ed in paragraph (a) of this section. [For stowage compartments in the passenger andcrew cabin, if the means used is a latched door, the design must take into consideration the wear and deterioration expected in service.]

If cargo compartment lamps are installed, each lamp must be installed so as to prevent contact between lamp bulb and cargo.

Amdt. 25-51, E.. 3/6/80
FAR25.789 :Retentionofitemsof massinpassengerand crew compartments [and galleys.]
[(a)]  Means must be provided to prevent each item of mass (that is part of the air-planetypedesign) in apassenger or crew compartment[orgalley] frombecoming a hazard by shifting under the appropriate maximum load factors corresponding to the speci.ed .ight and ground load conditions, and to the emergency landing conditions of Sec. 25.561(b).
(b) [Each interphone restraint system must be designedso that when subjected to the load factors speci.ed in Sec. 25.561(b)(3), the interphone will remain in its stowed position.]
Amdt. 25-46, E.. 12/1/78
FAR25.791 :Passengerinformation signs[andplacards.]
[If smoking is to be prohibited, there must be at least one placard so stating that is legible to each person seated in the cabin. If smoking is to be allowed, and if the crew compartment is separated from the passenger compartment, there must be atleastone signnotifying when smokingisprohibited.Signswhich notify when smoking is prohibited must be operable by a member of the .ightcrew and, when illuminated, must be legible under all probable conditions of cabin illumination to each person seated in the cabin.

Signs that notify when seatbelts shouldbefastened and that areinstalled to comply with the operating rules of this chapter must be operable by a member of the .ightcrew and, when illuminated, must be legible under all probable conditions of cabin illumination to each person seated in the cabin.
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(88)