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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

VCmin  =  17.0  n1  W S  but not exceed 0.9 VH 

VAmin  =  15.0  n1  W S  but not exceed VC used in design. 

VFmin  =  11.0  n1  W S 

1. Conditions “C”.or “F”.need only be investigated when n3 or n4 is
greater than n1 or n2 , respectively.
2. Condition “G”.need not be investigated when the supplementary condition specified in FAR 23.369 is investigated.
Fig. 35.6 – Flight envelope.

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Appendix A : Simpli.ed Design Load Criteria
Average surface loading 


Design maneuvering wing loading n1W/S pounds/sq.ft

Design maneuvering wing loading n1W/S pounds/sq.ft

leading. Trailing. edge edge
Fig. 35.9 – [Chordwise load distribution for stabilizer andelevator or .n and rudder.]
2.E .3d.
P1  =2ˉw
1.E P2 =2ˉw (3d. + E .1)
where —
wˉaveragesurfaceloading(asspeci.edin (Figure 35.7, p. 454)) E Ratio of elevator(or rudder) chord to total stabilizer and elevator(or .n and rudder) chord
d.  Ratio of distance of center of pressure of unit spanwise length of combined stabilizer and elevator(or .n and rud-der) measuredfromstabilizer(or .n) leading edgetothe local chord.Sign conventionispositive when center ofpres-sure is behind leading edge.
c  Local chord
NOTE : Positive values of ˉw, P1 and P2 are all measuredinthe samedirection.][Amdt. 23-48, E.. 03/11/96]

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Appendix A : Simpli.ed Design Load Criteria
Chapitre 36
Appendix B : Control Surface Loadings
FAR23.B1:[Reserved.] ..................... 458
FAR23.B11:[Reserved.] .................... 458

Appendix B : Control Surface Loadings
FAR23.B1 :[Reserved.]
[Reserved.] Amdt. 23-42, E.. 02/04/91
FAR23.B11 :[Reserved.]
[Reserved.] Amdt. 23-42, E.. 02/04/91
Chapitre 37
Appendix C : Basic Landing Conditions
FAR23.C.1:Basiclanding conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
Appendix C : Basic Landing Conditions
FAR 23.C.1 : Basic landing conditions.
Condition Tail wheel type Nose wheel type
Level landing  Tail-down landing  Level lan-ding with inclined reactions  Level lan-ding with nose wheel just clear of ground  Tail-down landing 
Reference section  23.479(a)(1)  23.481(a)(1)  23.479(a)(2)(i)  23.479(a)(2)(ii)  23.481(a)(2) and (b) 
Vertical component at c.g.  nW  nW  nW  nW  nW 
Fore and aft com-ponent at c.g.  KnW  0  KnW  KnW  0 
Lateral component in either direction at c.g.  0  0  0  0  0 
Shock absorber exten-sion (hydraulic shock absorber)  Note (2)  Note (2)  Note (2)  Note (2)  Note (2) 
Shock absorber de.ec-tion (rubber or spring shock absorber)  100%  100%  100%  100%  100% 

Tire de.ection Static Static Static Static Static

KnW 0 KnWa’/d’ KnW 0

0 0 KnWb’/d’ 0 0
Notes  (1), (3), and (4)  (4)  (1)  (1), (3), and (4)  (3)and (4) 

Note(1) . K may be determined as follows : K =0.25 for W =3,000pounds or less; K =0.33 for W =6,000pounds or greater, with linear variation of K between these weights.
Note(2) . For the purpose of design, the maximum load factor is assumed to occur throughout the shock absorber stroke from 25 percent de.ection to 100 percent de.ection unless otherwise shown and the load factor must be used with whatever shock absorber extension is most critical for each element of the landing gear.
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(12)