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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

The following procedures must be used to show compliance with Sec. 25.203;

Starting at a speed su.ciently above the stalling speed to ensure that a steady rate of speed reduction can be established, apply the longitudinal control so that the speed reductiondoes not exceed oneknotper second untilthe airplane is stalled.

In addition, for turning .ight stalls, apply the longitudinal control to achieve airspeed deceleration rates up to 3 knots per second.

As soon as the airplane is stalled, recover by normal recovery techniques.


The airplaneis considered stalled when the behavior of the airplanegives thepilot a clear and distinctive indication of an acceptable nature that the airplane is stalled. Acceptable indications of a stall, occurring either individually or in combination, are–

A nose-downpitchthat cannotbe readily arrested;

Bu.eting, of a magnitude and severity that is a strong and e.ective deterrent to further speed reduction; or

Thepitch control reachestheaftstop and nofurtherincreaseinpitch attitude occurs when the control is held full aft for a short time before recovery is initiated.


Amdt. 25-108, E.. 12/26/2002
FAR 25.203 : Stall characteristics.
It mustbepossibletoproduce and to correct roll andyawby unreversed use of the aileron and rudder controls, up to the time the airplane is stalled. No abnormal nose-up pitching may occur. The longitudinal control force must be positive up to and throughout the stall. In addition, it must be possible to promptly prevent stalling and to recover from a stall by normal use of the controls.

For level wing stalls, the roll occurring between the stall and the completion of the recovery may not exceed approximately 20 degrees.

[For turning .ight stalls, the action of the airplane after the stall may not be so violent or extreme as to make it di.cult, with normal piloting skill, to e.ect a prompt recovery and to regain control of the airplane. The maximum bank angle that occurs during the recovery may not exceed–

Approximately 60 degrees in the original direction of the turn, or 30 degrees in the opposite direction, for deceleration rates up to 1 knot per second; and

Approximately90degreesin the originaldirection of the turn, or60degreesin the opposite direction, for deceleration rates in excess of 1 knot per second.]


Amdt. 25-84, E.. 7/10/95
FAR25.205 :[Removed.]
[Removed.] Amdt. 25-72, E.. 8/20/90
FAR 25.207 : Stall warning.
Stall warning with su.cient margin to prevent inadvertent stalling with the .aps and landing gear in any normal position must be clear and distinctive to the pilot in straight and turning .ight.

[The warningmust be furnished either through the inherent aerodynamic qualities of the airplane orby adevice that willgive clearlydistinguishableindications under expected conditions of .ight. However, a visual stall warning device that requires the attention of the crew within the cockpit is not acceptableby itself. If a warning device is used, it must provide a warning in each of the airplane con.gurations prescribedinparagraph(a) of this section at the speedprescribedinparagraphs (c)and(d) of this section.

When the speed is reduced at rates not exceeding one knotper second, stall warning must begin, in each normal con.guration, at a speed, VSW, exceeding the speed at which the stall is identi.ed in accordance with Sec. 25.201(d) by not less than .ve knotsor .vepercentCAS,whicheverisgreater.Onceinitiated,stall warning must continue until the angle of attack is reduced to approximately that at which stall warning began.

In addition to the requirement ofparagraph(c) of this section, when the speedis reduced at rates not exceeding one knot per second, in straight .ight with engines idling and atthe center-of-gravityposition speci.edinSec.25.103(b)(5), VSW, in each normal con.guration, must exceed VSR by not less than three knots or three percent CAS, whichever is greater.
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(39)