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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者


In additiontoparagraph(a) ofthis section,for all normal, utility, and acrobatic category reciprocating engine-powered airplanes of6,000pounds orless maximum weight, the steady angle of climb/descent, determined under Sec. 23.77(a), must be furnished.

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart G : Operating Limitations and Information
In addition to paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, if appropriate, for normal, utility, and acrobatic category airplanes, the following must be furnished–

The takeo. distance, determined under Sec. 23.53 and the type of surface for which it is valid.

The e.ect on takeo.distance of operation on other than smoothhard surfaces, when dry, determined under Sec. 23.45(g);

The e.ect ontakeo.distance of runway slope and50percent of theheadwind component and150percent of thetailwind component;

For multiengine reciprocating engine-powered airplanes of more than 6,000 pounds maximum weightand multiengine turbinepowered airplanes, the one-engine-inoperativetakeo. climb/descentgradient,determined underSec.23.66;

For multiengine airplanes, the enroute rate andgradientof climb/descent with one engine inoperative, determined under Sec. 23.69(b); and

For single-engine airplanes, theglideperformancedeterminedunderSec.23.71.


In additiontoparagraph(a) ofthis section,forcommutercategory airplanes,the following information must be furnished–

The accelerate-stop distance determined under Sec. 23.55;

The takeo. distance determined under Sec. 23.59(a);

At the option ofthe applicant, the takeo. rundetermined underSec.23.59(b);

The e.ect on accelerate-stop distance, takeo. distance and, if determined, takeo. run, of operation on other than smooth hard surfaces, when dry, de-termined under Sec. 23.45(g);

The e.ect on accelerate-stop distance, takeo. distance, and if determined, takeo. run, of runway slope and 50 percent of the headwind component and 150percent of thetailwind component;

The net takeo. .ight path determined under Sec. 23.61(b);

The enroutegradientof climb/descent with one engineinoperative,determined under Sec. 23.69(b);

The e.ect, on the net takeo. .ight path and on the enroute gradient of climb/descent with one engine inoperative, of 50 percent of the headwind component and150percent of thetailwind component;

Overweight landing performance information (determined by extrapolation and computed for the range of weights between the maximum landing and maximum takeo. weights) as follows–

The maximum weight for each airport altitude and ambient tempera-ture at which the airplane complies with the climb requirements of Sec. 23.63(d)(2); and

ThelandingdistancedeterminedunderSec.23.75for each airport altitude and standard temperature.


The relationship between IAS and CAS determined in accordance with Sec. 23.1323(b) and(c).


The altimeter system calibration required by Sec. 23.1325(e).] Amdt. 23-50, E.. 03/11/96

FAR 23.1589 : Loading information.
The following loading information must be furnished :
The weight and location of each item of equipment that can be easily removed, relocated, or replaced and that is installed when the airplane was weighed under the requirement of Sec. 23.25.

[Appropriate loading instructions for each possible loading condition between the maximum and minimum weights established under Sec. 23.25, to facilitate the center of gravity remaining within the limits established under Sec. 23.23.]

Amdt. 23-50, E.. 03/11/96

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
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