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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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Fluid lost from a brake hydraulic system following a failure in, or in the vicinity of, the brakes is insu.cient to cause or support a hazardous .re on the ground or in .ight.


Brake controls. The brake controls must be designed and constructed so that :

Excessive control force is not required for their operation.

If an automatic braking system is installed, means are provided to :

Arm and disarm the system, and

Allow the pilot(s) to override the system by use of manual braking.



Parking brake. The airplane must have a parking brake control that, when selected on, will, without further attention, prevent the airplane from rolling on a dry and levelpaved runway when the most adverse combination of maxi-mum thrust on one engine and up to maximum ground idle thrust on any, or

all, other engine(s)is applied.The control mustbe suitablylocated orbe ade-quatelyprotected topreventinadvertent operation.There mustbeindication in the cockpit when the parking brake is not fully released.
Antiskid system. If an antiskid system is installed :

It must operate satisfactorily over the range of expected runway condi-tions, without external adjustment.

It must, at alltimes,havepriority overthe automaticbraking system,if installed.


Kinetic energy capacity–(1) Design landing stop. The design landing stop is an operational landing stop at maximum landing weight. The design landing stop brake kinetic energy absorption requirement of each wheel, brake, and tire assembly must be determined. It must be substantiated by dynamometer testing that the wheel, brake and tire assembly is capable of absorbing not less than this level of kinetic energy throughout the de.ned wear range of the brake. The energy absorption rate derived from the airplane manufacturer’s braking requirements must be achieved. The mean deceleration must not be less than 10fps2 .

Maximumkinetic energyaccelerate-stop.The maximumkinetic energy accelerate-stop is a rejected takeo. for the most critical combination of airplane takeo. weight and speed. The accelerate-stop brake kinetic energy absorption requi-rement of each wheel,brake, andtire assembly mustbedetermined.It mustbe substantiated by dynamometer testing that the wheel, brake, and tire assem-blyis capable ofabsorbing notless than thislevel ofkinetic energythroughout the de.ned wear range of the brake. The energy absorption rate derived from the airplane manufacturer’sbraking requirements mustbe achieved.The mean deceleration must not be less than 6fps2 .

Most severe landing stop. The most severe landing stop is a stop at the most critical combination of airplanelanding weight and speed.The most severelan-ding stop brake kinetic energy absorption requirement of each wheel, brake, and tire assembly must be determined. It must be substantiated by dynamo-meter testing that, at the declared fully worn limit(s) of the brake heat sink, the wheel, brake and tire assembly is capable of absorbing not less than this level of kinetic energy. The most severe landing stop need not be considered for extremely improbable failure conditions or if the maximum kinetic energy accelerate-stop energy is more severe.

Brake condition after high kinetic energy dynamometer stop(s). Following the high kinetic energy stop demonstration(s) required by paragraph (f) of this section, with the parking brake promptly and fully applied for at least 3 minutes, it must bedemonstrated thatfor atleast5 minutesfrom application of theparking brake, noconditionoccurs(orhasoccurredduringthestop),including.reassociated with the tire or wheel and brake assembly, that could prejudice the safe and complete evacuation of the airplane.

Stored energy systems. An indication to the .ightcrew of the usable stored energy must be provided if a stored energy system is used to show compliance with para-graph(b)(1) of this section.The available stored energy mustbe su.cientfor:
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(82)