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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Conditioning. Specimens must be conditioned to 70'F, ± 5', and at 50 percent ± 5 percent relative humidity until moisture equilibrium is reached or for 24 hours. Only one specimen at a time may be removed from the conditioning environment immediately before subjecting it to the .ame.

[Specimen con.guration.Except asprovidedfor materials usedin electrical wire and cableinsulationandin smallparts,materialsmustbetested eitherasasectioncut from a fabricated part as installed in the airplane or as a specimen simulating a cut section, such as : a specimen cut from a .at sheet of the material or a model of thefabricatedpart.The specimen may be cutfrom any locationin afabricated part; however,fabricated units, such assandwichpanels,may notbeseparatedfor a test. The specimen thickness must be no thicker than the minimum thickness to bequali.edforuseinthe airplane,exceptthat:(1)Thickfoamparts,such asseat

cushions, mustbetestedininchthickness;(2)when showing compliance withSec.

23.853(d)(3)(v)for materials usedin smallparts that mustbe tested, the materials
mustbe testedin no morethaninchthickness;(3)when showing compliance with

Sec. 23.1359(c) for materials used in electrical wire and cable insulation, the wire and cable specimens must be the same size as used in the airplane. In the case of fabrics, both the warp and .ll direction of the weave must be tested to determine the most critical .ammability conditions. When performing the tests prescribed inparagraphs(d) and(e) ofthis appendix,the specimen mustbe mountedin a metalframesothat:(1) inthe verticaltests ofparagraph(d) ofthis appendix, thetwolong edges and the upper edge areheld securely;(2) inthehorizontal test ofparagraph(e) of this appendix,thetwolong edges and the edge away fromthe .ame areheld securely;(3) the exposed area of the specimenis atleast2inches wide and 12 inches long, unless the actual size used in the airplane is smaller; and (4)the edge to which the burner .ame is applied must not consist of the .nished or protected edge of the specimen but must be representative of the actual cross section of the material orpartinstalledinthe airplane.Whenperforming thetest prescribedinparagraph(f) ofthis appendix,the specimen mustbe mountedin metal frame so that all four edges are held securely and the exposed area of the specimen is at least 8 inches by 8 inches.
Apparatus. Except as provided in paragraph (g) of this appendix, tests must be conducted in a draft-free cabinet in accordance with Federal Test Method Stan-dard191Method5903(revisedMethod5902) whichis availablefromtheGeneral ServicesAdministration, BusinessService Center,Region3, Seventh and DStreets SW., Washington, D.C. 20407, or with some other approved equivalent method. Specimens which are too large for the cabinet must be tested in similar draft free conditions.

Vertical test.A minimum ofthree specimens mustbe tested andthe results averaged. For fabrics, the direction of weave corresponding to the most critical .ammability conditions must be parallel to the longest dimension. Each specimen must be sup-portedvertically.The specimen mustbe exposed to aBunsen orTirrillburner with

a nominalinch I.D. tube adjusted to give a .ame of 1.5 inches in height. The

minimum .ametemperaturemeasuredby acalibrated thermo-couplepyrometerin the center of the .ame must be 1,550'F. The lower edge of the specimen must be three-fourths inch above the top edge of the burner. The .ame must be applied to the center line of the lower edge of the specimen. For materials covered by Secs.
23.853(d)(3)(i) and 23.853(f), the .ame must be applied for 60 seconds and then removed. For materials covered by Sec. 23.853(d)(3)(ii), the .ame must be applied for 12 seconds and then removed. Flame time, burn length, and .aming time of drippings,ifany, mustbe recorded.Theburnlengthdeterminedin accordance with paragraph(h) of this appendix mustbe measured tothe nearest one-tenthinch.]
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(14)