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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

The suddenfailure of the critical engine;

For airplanes with three or more engines, the sudden failure of the second critical engine when the airplane is in the en route, approach, or landing con.guration and is trimmed with the critical engine inoperative; and

Con.guration changes, including deployment or retraction of deceleration de-vices.


The following table prescribes, for conventional wheel type controls, the maximum controlforcespermittedduring thistesting requiredbyparagraphs(a) and(b) of this section :

Approvedoperatingprocedures or conventional operatingpractices mustbefollowed when demonstrating compliance with the control force limitations for short term application that are prescribed in paragraph(c) of this section. The airplane must be in trim, or as near to being in trim as practical, in the immediately preceding steady .ight condition. For the takeo. condition, the airplane must be trimmed according tothe approved operatingprocedures.

When demonstrating compliance with the control force limitations for long term applicationthat areprescribedinparagraph(c) ofthis section,the airplane must be in trim, or as near to being in trim as practical.

When maneuvering at a constant airspeed or Mach number (up to VFC/MFC ), the stick forces and the gradient of the stick force versus maneuvering load factor mustlie within satisfactorylimits.The stickforces must notbe sogreat as to make excessivedemands on thepilot’s strength when maneuveringthe airplane, and must not be so low that the airplane can easily be overstressed inadvertently. Changes of gradient that occur with changes of load factor must not cause undue di.culty in maintaining control of the airplane,andlocalgradientsmust notbe solowasto result in a danger of overcontrolling.

[The maneuveringcapabilitiesin a constant speed coordinatedturn atforward center ofgravity,as speci.edinthefollowing table, mustbefree of stall warning or other characteristics that might interfere with normal maneuvering :

Force, in pounds, appliedto the control wheel or rud-der pedals  Pitch  Roll  Yaw 
For short term application for pitch and roll control– two hands available for control  75  50  -
For short term application for pitch and roll control– one hand available for control  50  25  -
For short term application for yaw control  - - 150 
For long term application  10  5  20 

Con.guration  Speed  Maneuvering bank angle in a coordinated turn  Thrust power setting 
Takeo.  V2  30[deg]  Asymmetric WAT-Limited1 . 
Takeo.  2 V2 + XX  40[deg]  All-engines-operating climb3 . 
En route  VFTO  40[deg]  Asymmetric WAT-Limited1 . 
Landing  VREF  40[deg]  Symmetric for -3[deg].ight path angle. 

1 A combination of weight, altitude, and temperature(WAT) such thatthethrust orpower settingproducesthe minimum climbgradient speci.edinSec.25.121for the .ight condition. 2 Airspeed approved for all-engines-operating initial climb. 3 That thrust or power setting which, in the event of failure of the critical engine and without any crew action to adjust the thrust orpower ofthe remaining engines, would resultinthethrust orpowerspeci.edforthetakeo. condition at V2, or any lesser thrust or power setting that is used for all-engines-operating initial climb procedures.]
Amdt. 25-108, E.. 12/26/2002
FAR 25.145 : Longitudinal control.
[Itmustbepossible, at anypointbetweenthetrim speedprescribedinSec.25.103(b)(6) and stallidenti.cation(asde.nedinSec.25.201(d)),topitch the nosedownward so that the acceleration to this selected trim speed is prompt with–

The airplane trimmed at the trim speed prescribed in Sec. 25.103(b)(6);]
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(32)