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时间:2011-10-19 22:07来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

If more than one .oor-level exit per side is prescribed, and the airplanes does not have a combination cargo and passenger con.guration, at least one .oor-level exit must be located in each side near each end of the cabin.

[For an airplane that is required to have more than one passenger emergency exit for each side of the fuselage, no passenger emergency exit shall be more than 60 feet from any adjacent passenger emergency exit on the same side of the same deck of the fuselage, as measured parallel to the airplane’s longitu-dinal axis between the nearest exit edges.]


Type and number required. The maximum number of passenger seats permitted de-pends on the type andnumber of exitsinstalled in each side of the fuselage.Except asfurther restrictedinparagraphs(g)(1) through(g)(9) of this section,the maxi-mum number ofpassenger seatspermittedfor each exit of a speci.ctypeinstalled in each side of the fuselage is as follows :

Type A  110 
Type B  75 
Type C  55 
Type I  45 
Type II  40 
Type III  35 
Type IV  9 

For a passenger seating con.guration of 1 to 9 seats, there must be at least one TypeIV orlarger overwing exit in each side of the fuselage or,if overwing exits are notprovided, atleast one exitin each sidethat meetsthe minimum dimensions of a Type III exit.

For a passenger seating con.guration of more than 9 seats, each exit must be a Type III or larger exit.

For a passenger seating con.guration of 10 to 19 seats, there must be at least one Type III or larger exit in each side of the fuselage.

For a passenger seating con.guration of 20 to 40 seats, there must be at least two exits, one of which must be a Type II or larger exit, in each side of the fuselage.

For apassenger seating con.guration of41 to 110 seats, there must be at least two exits, one of which must be a Type I or larger exit, in each side of the fuselage.

For a passenger seating con.guration of more than 110 seats, the emergency exits in each side of the fuselage must include at least two Type I or larger exits.

The combined maximum number ofpassengerseatspermittedfor allTypeIII exitsis70, and the combined maximum number ofpassenger seatspermitted for two Type III exits in each side of the fuselage that are separated by fewer than three passenger seat rows in 65.

If a Type A, Type B, or Type C exit is installed, there must be at least two Type C or larger exits in each side of the fuselage.

If a passenger ventral or tailcone exit is installed and that exit provides at least the same rate of egress as a Type III exit with the airplane in the most adverse exit opening condition that would result from the collapse of one or morelegs ofthelandinggear, anincreaseinthepassenger seating con.guration is permitted as follows :

For a ventral exit, 12 additional passenger seats.

For a tailcone exit incorporating a .oor level opening of not less than 20 inches wide by 60 inches high, with corner radii not greater than seven inches, in the pressure shell and incorporating an approved assist means in accordance with Sec. 25.810(a), 25 additional passenger seats.


(iii) For a tailcone exit incorporating an opening in the pressure shell which is at least equivalent to a Type III emergency exit with respect to dimen-sions, step-up and step-downdistance, and with the top ofthe opening not less than 56 inches from the passenger compartment .oor, 15 additional passenger seats.

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart D : Design and Construction
Excess exits.Each emergency exitin thepassenger compartmentin excess of the mi-nimum number of required emergency exits must meet the applicable requirements of Sec. 25.809 through 25.812, and must be readily accessible.
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 3(91)