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时间:2011-08-22 17:33来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

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“Rolls-Royce Spey,” Jane’s Aero-Engines, April 1, 2010.

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“Safran History in China,” Safran Group website, undated.  As of January 29,

“Schweizer Selects Jiangxi Changhe Aircraft to Provide 300CBi Helicopter
Airframes,” Sikorsky Aircraft website, October 30, 2006.  As of January 29, 2011:

“Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and Fokker Aerospace Group to Work Together
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“Shenzhou Series,” Jane’s Space Systems and Industry, June 17, 2009.

Shi, Jian (石坚 ), “China Business Aircraft Market Warming Up (风景这边独好—
从三亚“海天盛筵”活动看国内公务机市场) ,” International Aviation, May 2010,
pp. 67–69.

“Shijian Series,” Jane’s Space Systems and Industry, August 23, 2010.

Shirouzu, Norihiko, “Real Orders for Chinese Commercial Jet?” Wall Street
Journal, October 26, 2010.

“Signature Between Turbomeca and Beijing Changkong Machinery for a Joint
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“Sikorsky Aircraft Selects Changhe to Supply S-76. Helicopter Airframes,” Sikorsky Aircraft website, July 12, 2007.  As of January 29, 2011:  http://www.sikorsky.com/About+Sikorsky/News
“SLHC—Sichuan Lantian Helicopter Company,” Jane’s All the World’s Aircraft, February 25, 2010.
中国航空网 www.aero.cn
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:Ready for Takeoff China’s Advancing Aerospace Industry(90)