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时间:2011-08-22 17:33来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

SSAMC  Sichuan Services Aero Engine Maintenance Company, Ltd.
STAero  Singapore Technologies Aerospace, Ltd.
TAECO  Taikoo Aircraft Engineering Co., Ltd.
TCAS  traffic collision avoidance system
WFI  wide field imager
XAC  Xi’an Aircraft Corporation
XAIC  Xi’an Aircraft International Corporation
XRA  XR Aero-components, Ltd.
ChApTeR One

China’s aerospace industry has advanced at an impressive rate over the past decade. While some of this progress can be attributed to rapidly growing governmental support for China’s aerospace sector, China’s aerospace capabilities have also benefited from the increasing partici-pation of its aerospace industry in the global commercial aerospace market and the supply chains of the world’s leading aerospace firms. This monograph assesses China’s aerospace capabilities and the degree to which China’s participation in commercial aerospace markets and supply chains is contributing to the improvement of those capabili-ties. Most major aviation manufacturers—Boeing, Airbus, General Electric (GE), Rolls-Royce, and Pratt & Whitney—have joint ventures in China or source components from China. China has also received technical assistance from Western companies in the development of airliners, avionics, satellites, and other systems. Although joint ven-tures and assistance from Western companies are generally confined to purely civilian technologies, this assistance may nonetheless be con-tributing to the development of China’s military aerospace capabilities.
This monograph assesses the growth of China’s aerospace capa-bilities and the extent to which China’s participation in commercial aerospace markets and supply chains is contributing to that growth. Specific areas assessed include China’s commercial aviation manufac-turing capabilities, its commercial and military capabilities in space, efforts of the Chinese government to encourage foreign participation in the development of China’s aerospace industry, transfers of foreign aerospace technology to China, the extent to which U.S. and other
foreign aerospace firms are dependent on supplies from China, and the implications of all of these issues for U.S. security interests.
The study reported here was fundamentally empirical and inductive. Its primary task was to collect and synthesize publicly available infor-mation on China’s aerospace capabilities and the involvement of for-eign aerospace firms in China. Much of the information used came from Western and Chinese aerospace industry trade publications and from the websites of foreign and Chinese companies.
In assessing the significance of the capabilities and technologies that China is acquiring, the authors drew on their knowledge of the aerospace industry, technology issues, Chinese military capabilities, and U.S. security concerns in East Asia acquired through their aca-demic training, previous work experience, and nearly 20 years of com-bined experience at RAND.
中国航空网 www.aero.cn
航空翻译 www.aviation.cn
本文链接地址:Ready for Takeoff China’s Advancing Aerospace Industry(9)