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时间:2011-08-22 17:33来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

As of October 2010, the ARJ21 reportedly had 257 orders, with the first deliveries to Chengdu Airlines expected in late 2011. Virtu-ally all of these orders are from small domestic Chinese airlines— Chengdu Airlines, Henan Airlines, Xiamen Airlines, Joy Air, and Shanghai Airlines—and COMAC is actually the majority shareholder in Chengdu Airlines. There are questions, moreover, about how firm these “orders” are, as apparently some of them are actually letters of intent, and buyers reportedly face little or no penalty for cancellation. The Laotian national carrier, Laos Airlines, has ordered two ARJ21s, and the privately owned Indonesian mining company Merkukh Enter-prises has reportedly signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to purchase nine. Over the next 20 years, COMAC hopes to build 850 ARJ21s, with production rates starting at 11 per year in 2010 and growing to 30 per year by 2015 (Burchell, 2010; Francis, 2010a; Shirouzu, 2010; Yeo, 2010; Francis, 2010c).
The COMAC 919 will be a single-aisle 130- to 170-seat narrow-body aircraft intended to compete with the Boeing 737 and Airbus A320. The project was launched in 2009 with the goal of initial production in 2014 and sales by 2020 (Butterworth-Hayes, 2010, p. 27). Orders from China’s “big three” airlines will be fewer than the several hundred units COMAC had initially hoped for. At the 2010 Airshow China in Zhuhai, COMAC announced that 100 C919s had been ordered, but this number was reached only by including nonbinding options. The “big three” each committed only to purchasing five C919s. Hainan Airlines ordered another 20, General Electric Commercial Aviation Services ordered 10, and the leasing subsidiary of China Development Bank ordered another 10. General Electric is one of the partners in CFM International, which will produce the engines for the C919, and China Development Bank is COMAC’s financier. China’s airlines have apparently argued that they should not take on more exposure to a pro-gram they regard as risky. Ultimate production goals for the C919 are 150 aircraft per year, to meet one-third of China’s domestic demand and 10 percent of the international market. The program is reportedly heavily state-supported, and Chinese engineers are said be getting paid twice the going rate to work on it (Perrett, 2010b, p. 49; Perrett, 2010c,
p. 20).
Foreign Designs
In September 2008, Airbus Final Assembly Line China (FALC), a joint venture between Airbus and a Chinese consortium of the Tianjin Free Trade Zone and AVIC to perform final assembly of Airbus A320-series aircraft, opened in Tianjin. It delivered its first A320 in June 2009 and as of August 2010 had delivered a total of 20 A320s and five A319s. The production rate is expected to increase to four aircraft per month by 2012. Unit production cost at the new assembly line is reported to be higher than that in Europe at present, although costs will likely decrease over time, but the facility is intended to produce aircraft only for the Chinese market (Ma, 2009). Thus, Airbus clearly established it as a vehicle for increasing its share of the Chinese market rather than to create a manufacturing cost advantage for itself.
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