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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

(vii) Recovery to power-on .ight from a balked autorotative approach.

The margin of cyclic control must allow satisfactory roll and pitch control at VNE with–

Critical weight;

Critical center of gravity;

Critical rotor r.p.m.; and

Power o.(exceptforhelicoptersdemonstratingcompliance withparagraph(e) of this section) and power on.


A wind velocity of notless than 17knots must be establishedin which the rotorcraft can be operated without loss of control on or near the ground in any maneuver appropriatetothetype(such ascrosswind takeo.s,sideward .ight,and rearward .ight), with–

Critical weight;

[Criticalcenter of gravity;

Critical rotor r.p.m.; and

Altitude, from standard sea level conditions to the maximum altitude capabi-lity of the rotorcraft or 7,000 feet, whichever is less.]


The rotorcraft, after

failure ofone enginein the case of multiengined rotorcraftthat meetTransport Category A engine isolation requirements, or

complete enginefailurein the case of other rotorcraft, mustbe controllable over the range of speeds and altitudesfor which certi.cationis requested when such powerfailure occurs with maximum continuouspower and critical weight.No corrective action time delay for any condition following power failure may be less than–


(i) Forthe cruise condition, one second, or normalpilot reactiontime(whi-chever is greater); and

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart B : Flight
(ii) For any other condition, normal pilot reaction time.
(e) For helicopters for which a VNE (power-o.) is established under Sec. 27.1505(c), compliance must be demonstrated with the following requirements with critical weight, critical center of gravity, and critical rotor r.p.m. :
The helicopter must be safely slowed to VNE (power-o.), without exceptional

pilot skill, after the last operating engine is made inoperative at power-on VNE.

At a speed of 1.1 VNE (power-o.), the margin of cyclic control must allow satisfactory roll and pitch control with power o..

Amdt. 27-21, E.. 12/6/84
FAR27.151 :[Flight controls.]
[Longitudinal, lateral, directional, andcollective controls may not exhibit excessive breakout force, friction, or preload.

Control system forces and free play may not inhibit a smooth, direct rotorcraft response to control system input.]

Amdt. 27-21, E.. 12/6/84
FAR 27.161 : Trim control
The trim control–
[Must trim anysteady longitudinal, lateral, and collective control forces to zero in level .ight at any appropriate speed; and]

May notintroduce any undesirablediscontinuitiesin controlforcegradients. Amdt. 27-21, E.. 12/6/84

FAR 27.171 : Stability : general
Therotorcraft mustbeabletobe .own,withoutunduepilotfatigueorstrain,inany normal maneuver for a period of time as long as that expected in normal operation. At least three landings and takeo.s must be made during this demonstration.
FAR 27.173 : Static longitudinal stability
[The longitudinal control must be designed so that a rearward movement of the control is necessary to obtain a speed less than the trim speed, and a forward movement of the control is necessary to obtain a speed more than the trim speed.

With thethrottle and collectivepitchheld constantduring the maneuvers speci.ed inSec.27.175(a) through(c),the slope of the controlposition versus speed curve must be positive throughout the full range of altitude for which certi.cation is requested.

During the maneuver speci.ed in Sec. 27.175(d), the longitudinal control position versus speed curve may have a negative slope within the speci.ed speed range if the negative motion is not greater than 10 percent of total control travel.]
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 4(71)