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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

There must be a means to allow the crew to readily determine, during .ight, the quantity of oxygen available in each source of supply.

The oxygen .owrateand the oxygenequipmentforairplanesforwhich certi.cation for operation above 40,000 feet is requested must be approved.

FAR 25.1443 : Minimum mass .ow of supplemental oxygen.

Ifcontinuous .owequipmentisinstalledforuseby.ight crewmembers,theminimum mass .ow of supplemental oxygen required for each crewmember may not be less

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart F : Equipment
than the .ow required to maintain, during inspiration, a mean tracheal oxygen partial pressure of 149 mm. Hg. when breathing 15 liters per minute, BTPS, and with a maximum tidal volume of 700 cc. with a constant time interval between respirations.
If demand equipment is installed for use by .ight crewmembers, the minimum mass .ow of supplemental oxygen required for each crewmember may not be less than the .ow required to maintain, during inspiration, a mean tracheal oxygen partial pressure of 122 mm. Hg., up to and including a cabin pressure altitude of 35,000 feet, and 95 percent oxygen between cabin pressure altitudes of 35,000 and 40,000 feet, whenbreathing 20litersper minuteBTPS.In addition,there mustbe means to allow the crew to use undiluted oxygen at their discretion.

Forpassengersandcabinattendants,theminimummass .owof supplemental oxygen requiredfor eachperson at various cabinpressure altitudes may notbeless than the .ow required to maintain,duringinspiration and while using the oxygen equipment (includingmasks)provided,thefollowing meantracheal oxygenpartialpressures:

At cabin pressure altitudes above 10,000 feet up to and including 18,500 feet, a mean tracheal oxygen partial pressure of 100 mm. Hg. when breathing 15 liters per minute, BTPS, and with a tidal volume of 700 cc. with a constant time interval between respirations.

At cabin pressure altitudes above 18,500 feet up to and including 40,000 feet, a mean tracheal oxygen partial pressure of 83.8 mm. Hg. when breathing 30 litersper minute,BTPS, and with atidal volumeof1,100 cc. with a constant time interval between respirations.


If .rst-aid oxygen equipment is installed, the minimum mass .ow of oxygen to each user may not be less than four liters per minute, STPD. However, there may be a means to decrease this .ow to not less than two liters per minute, STPD, at any cabin altitude.Thequantity of oxygenrequiredisbased upon an average .ow rate of three liters per minute per person for whom .rst-aid oxygen is required.

If portable oxygen equipment is installed for use by crewmembers, the minimum mass .owof supplemental oxygenisthesameasspeci.edinparagraph(a) or(b) of this section, whichever is applicable.

FAR 25.1445 : Equipment standards for the oxygen distributing system.

When oxygenissupplied toboth crewandpassengers,thedistribution systemmust be designed for either–

A source of supply for the .ight crew on duty and a separate source for the passengers and other crewmembers; or

A common source of supply with means to separately reserve the minimum supply required by the .ight crew on duty.


Portable walk-around oxygen units of the continuous .ow, diluter-demand, and straightdemandkindsmaybeused tomeetthe creworpassengerbreathing requi-rements.

FAR 25.1447 : Equipment standards for oxygen dispensing units.
If oxygen dispensing units are installed, the following apply :
There mustbe anindividualdispensing unitfor each occupantfor whom supplemen-tal oxygen is to be supplied. Units must be designed to cover the nose and mouth and must be equipped with a suitable means to retain the unit in position on the face. Flight crew masks for supplemental oxygen must have provisions for the use of communication equipment.
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 4(32)