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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

An analysis must be performed to establish that the ice protection for the various components of the airplane is adequate, taking into account the various airplane operational con.gurations; and

To verifytheiceprotection analysis,to checkforicinganomalies, andtodemonstrate that the ice protection system and its components are e.ective, the airplane or its components must be .ight tested in the various operational con.gurations, in measured natural atmospheric icing conditions and, as found necessary, by one or more of the following means :

Laboratory dry air or simulated icing tests, or a combination of both, of the components or models of the components.

Flightdry airtests of theiceprotection system asa whole, orofitsindividual components.

Flight tests of the airplane or its components in measured simulated icing conditions.


Cautioninformation, such as an amber cautionlight or equivalent, mustbeprovided toalertthe .ightcrewwhentheanti-iceorde-icesystemisnotfunctioning normally.

For turbine engine powered airplanes, the ice protection provisions of this section are considered to be applicable primarily to the airframe. For the powerplant ins-tallation, certain additional provisions of Subpart E of this part may be found applicable.]

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart F : Equipment
Amdt. 25-72, E.. 8/20/90
FAR25.1421 :[Megaphones.]
[Ifa megaphone is installed, a restraining means must be provided that is capable of restraining the megaphone when it is subjected to the ultimate inertia forces speci.ed in Sec. 25.561(b)(3).] Amdt. 25-41, E.. 9/1/77
FAR 25.1423 : Public address system.
[A public address system required bythis chapter must–
Be powerable when the aircraft is in .ight or stopped on the ground, after the shutdown or failure of all engines and auxiliary power units, or the disconnection or failure of all power sources dependent on their continued operation, for–

A timeduration of atleast10 minutes,including an aggregatetimeduration of at least 5 minutes of announcements made by .ight and cabin crewmembers, considering all other loads which may remain powered by the same source when all other power sources are inoperative; and

An additional time duration in its standby state appropriate or required for any otherloadsthat arepoweredby the samesourceand that areessential to safety of .ight or required during emergency conditions.


Be capable of operation within 10 seconds by a .ight attendant at those stations in the passenger compartment from which the system is accessible.

Be intelligible at all passenger seats, lavatories, and .ight attendant seats and work stations.

Be designed so that no unused, unstowed microphone will render the system inope-rative.

Be capable of functioning independently of any required crewmember interphone system.

Be accessible for immediate use from each of two .ight crewmember stations in the pilot compartment.

For each required .oor-level passenger emergency exit which has an adjacent .ight attendant seat, have a microphone which is readily accessible to the seated .ight attendant, except that one microphone may serve more than one exit, provided the proximity of the exits allows unassisted verbal communication between seated .ight attendants.]

Amdt. 25-79, E.. 9/27/93
49.6 Miscellaneous Equipment
FAR 25.1431 : Electronic equipment.
In showing compliance with Sec. 25.1309 (a) and (b) with respect to radio and electronic equipment and theirinstallations, critical environmental conditions must be considered.

Radio andelectronic equipment mustbe supplied withpower under the requirements of Sec. 25.1355(c).
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 4(29)