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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

The condition of the airplane and the items included in the empty weight as de.ned in accordance with Sec. 25.29.

Loading instructions necessary to ensure loading of the airplane within the weight and center of gravity limits, and to maintain the loading within these limits in .ight.

If certi.cation for more than one center of gravity range is requested, the appropriate limitations, with regard to weight and loading procedures, for each separate center of gravity range.]


Flight crew.Thenumberandfunctionsoftheminimum .ight crewdetermined under Sec. 25.1523 must be furnished.

Kinds of operation. The kinds of operation approved under Sec. 25.1525 must be furnished.

[Ambient air temperatures and operating altitudes. The extremes of the ambient air temperatures and operating altitudes established under Sec. 25.1527 must be fur-nished.]


Additional operating limitations. The operating limitations established under Sec. 25.1533 must be furnished.

Maneuvering .ightloadfactors.Thepositive maneuveringlimitloadfactorsfor which the structure is proven, described in terms of accelerations, must be furnished.

Amdt. 25-105, E.. 7/26/01
FAR 25.1585 : Operating procedures.
[Operating procedures must be furnished for–

Normal procedures peculiar to the particular type or model encountered in connection with routine operations;

Non-normal procedures for malfunction cases and failure conditions involving the use of special systems or the alternative use of regular systems; and

Emergency procedures for foreseeable but unusual situations in which imme-diate and precise action by the crew may be expected to substantially reduce the risk of catastrophe.


Information or procedures not directly related to airworthiness or not under the control of the crew,must notbeincluded, normust anyprocedurethatis accepted as basic airmanship.

Information identifying each operating condition in which the fuel system indepen-dence prescribed in Sec. 25.953 is necessary for safety must be furnished, together with instructions for placing the fuel system in a con.guration used to show com-pliance with that section.

The bu.et onset envelopes, determined under Sec. 25.251 must be furnished. The bu.et onset envelopes presented may re.ect the center of gravity at which the airplane is normally loaded during cruise if corrections for the e.ect of di.erent center of gravity locations are furnished.

Information must be furnished that indicates that when the fuel quantity indicator reads ”zero”inlevel.ight,anyfuel remaininginthefuel tank cannotbeused safely in .ight.

Information on the totalquantityof usablefuelfor eachfuel tank mustbefurnished.] Amdt. 25-105, E.. 7/26/01

FAR 25.1587 : Performance information.

Each Airplane Flight Manual must contain information to permit conversion of the indicated temperature to free air temperature if other than a free air temperature indicator is used to comply with the requirements of Sec. 25.1303(a)(1).

Each Airplane Flight Manual must contain the performance information computed under the applicable provisions of this part (including Secs. 25.115, 25.123, and 25.125for the weights, altitudes, temperatures, wind components, and runwaygra-dients, as applicable)within the operationallimits ofthe airplane, and must contain the following :

(1) In each case, the conditions of power, con.guration, and speeds, and the pro-cedures for handling the airplane and any system having a signi.cant e.ect on the performance information.

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart G : Operating Limitations and Information
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 4(42)