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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

[The .re extinguishingsystem, the quantity of the extinguishing agent, the rate of discharge, and the discharge distribution must be adequate to extinguish .res. It must be shown by either actual or simulated .ight tests that under critical air.ow conditions in .ight the discharge of the extinguishing agent in each designated .re zone speci.edinparagraph(a) ofthis section willprovide an agent concentration capable of extinguishing .res in that zone and of minimizing the probability of reignition.Anindividual ”one-shot” systemmaybeusedforauxiliarypowerunits, fuel burning heaters, and other combustion equipment. For each other designated .re zone, two discharges must be provided each of which produces adequate agent concentration.]

The .re-extinguishing system for a nacelle must be able to simultaneously protect

each zone of the nacelle for which protection is provided. Amdt. 25-46, E.. 12/1/78
FAR 25.1197 : Fire extinguishing agents.
Fire extinguishing agents must–

Be capable of extinguishing .ame emanating from any burning of .uids or other combustible materials in the area protected by the .re extinguishing system; and

Have thermal stability over the temperature range likely to be experienced in the compartment in which they are stored.


If[any]toxic extinguishingagentis used,provisions mustbe madetopreventharmful concentrationsof .uid of.uid vapors(fromleakageduring normal operationof the airplaneorasaresult ofdischargingthe .reextinguisherontheground orin .ight) from entering any personnel compartment, even though a defect may exist in the extinguishing system.This mustbe shownby test exceptforbuilt-in carbondioxide fuselage compartment .re extinguishing systems for which–

Fivepoundsorlessof carbondioxidewillbedischarged,underestablished .re control procedures, into any fuselage compartment; or

There is protective breathing equipment for each .ight crewmember on .ight deck duty.


[[Deleted]] Amdt. 25-40, E.. 5/2/77

FAR 25.1199 : Extinguishing agent containers.
Each extinguishing agent container must have a pressure relief to prevent bursting of the container by excessive internal pressures.

[The discharge end of each discharge line from a pressure relief connection must be located so that discharge of the .re extinguishing agent would not damage the airplane.Theline must alsobelocated orprotected toprevent clogging causedby ice or other foreign matter.

There must be a means for each .re extinguishing agent container to indicate that the containerhasdischarged orthatthe chargingpressureisbelowthe established minimum necessary for proper functioning.]

The temperature of each container must be maintained, under intended operating conditions, to prevent the pressure in the container from–

Falling below that necessary to provide an adequate rate of discharge; or

Rising high enough to cause premature discharge.


If apyrotechnic capsuleis used todischargethe extinguishing agent, each container must be installed so that the temperature conditions will not cause hazardous deterioration of the pyrotechnic capsule.

Amdt. 25-40, E.. 5/2/77
FAR 25.1201 : Fire extinguishing system materials.
No material in any .re extinguishing system may react chemically with any extin-guishing agent so as to create a hazard.

Each system component in an engine compartment must be .reproof.

FAR 25.1203 : Fire-detector system.

There must be approved, quick acting .re or overheat detectors in each designated .re zone, and in the combustion, turbine, and tailpipe sections of turbine engine installations, in numbers and locations ensuring prompt detection of .re in those zones.
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 4(12)