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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Each pressure lubrication system must have an oil strainer or .lter through which all of the lubricant .ows and must–

Bedesigned to removefrom the lubricant any contaminant which maydamage transmission and drive system components or impede the .ow of lubricant to a hazardous degree;

Be equipped with a means to indicate collection of contaminants on the .lter or strainer at orbefore opening of thebypass requiredbyparagraph(c)(3) of this section; and

Be equipped with a bypass constructed and installed so that–

The lubricant will .ow at the normal rate through the rest of the system with the strainer or .lter completely blocked; and

The release of collected contaminants is minimized by appropriate loca-tion of the bypass to ensure that collected contaminants are not in the bypass .owpath.



Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart E : Powerplant
For each lubricant tank or sump outlet supplying lubrication to rotor drive systems and rotordrive system components, a screen must beprovided toprevent entrance into the lubrication system of any object that might obstruct the .ow of lubricant fromtheoutlettothe .lterrequiredbyparagraph(c) of thissection.Therequire-ments ofparagraph(c) do not apply to screensinstalled atlubricanttank or sump outlets.

Splash-type lubrication systems for rotor drive system gearboxes must comply with Secs. 27.1021 and 27.1337(d).

Amdt. 27-37, E.. 10/18/99
65.6 Cooling
FAR 27.1041 : General
[Each powerplant cooling system must be able to maintain the temperatures of powerplant components within the limits established for these components under critical surface (ground or water) and .ight operating conditions for which cer-ti.cation is required and after normal shutdown. Powerplant components to be considered include but may not be limited to engines, rotor drive system compo-nents, auxiliary power units, and the cooling or lubricating .uids used with these components.]

Compliance withparagraph(a) ofthis section mustbe shownintests conducted under the conditions prescribed in that paragraph.

Amdt. 27-23, E.. 10/3/88
FAR 27.1043 : Cooling tests
[General. For the tests prescribed in Sec. 27.1041(b), the following apply :

If the tests are conducted under conditions deviating from the maximum am-bient atmospherictemperature] speci.edinparagraph(b) of this section,the recorded powerplant temperatures must be corrected under paragraphs (c) and(d) of this section unless amore rational correctionmethodis applicable.

No corrected temperature determined under subparagraph (1) of this para-graph may exceed established limits.

For reciprocating engines, the fuel used during the cooling tests must be of the minimum grade approved for the engines, and the mixture settings must be those normally used in the .ight stages for which the cooling tests are conducted.

The test procedures must be as prescribed in Sec. 27.1045.


[Maximum ambient atmospheric temperature. A maximum ambient atmospheric temperature corresponding to sea level conditions of at least 100 degrees F must be established. The assumed temperature lapse rate is 3.6 degrees F per thousand feet of altitude above sea level until a temperature of -69.7 degrees F is reached, above which altitude the temperature is considered constant at -69.7 degrees F. However, for winterization installations, the applicant may select a maximum am-bient atmospheric temperature corresponding to sea level conditions of less than 100 degrees F.]

Correctionfactor(except cylinderbarrels).Unless a more rational correction applies, temperaturesof engine .uidsandpower-plant components(except cylinderbarrels) for which temperature limits are established, must be corrected by adding to them the di.erence between the maximum ambient atmospheric temperature and the temperature of the ambient air at the time of the .rst occurrence of the maximum component or .uid temperature recorded during the cooling test.
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