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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

The warning must be furnished to the pilot in all .ight conditions, including power-on and power-o. .ight, when the speed of a main rotor approaches a valuethatcanjeopardizesafe .ight.

The warning may be furnished either through the inherent aerodynamic qua-lities of the helicopter or by a device.

The warning must be clear and distinct under all conditions, and must be clearly distinguishable from all other warnings. A visual device that requires the attention of the crew within the cockpit is not acceptable by itself.

(4) If a warning device is used, the device must automatically deactivate and reset when the low-speed condition is corrected. If the device has an audible warning, it must also be equipped with a means for the pilot to manually silence the audible warning before the low-speed condition is corrected.]
Amdt. 27-14, E.. 3/1/78
62.2 Performance
FAR 27.45 : General
Unless otherwise prescribed, the performance requirements of this subpart must be met for still air and a standard atmosphere.

Theperformance mustcorrespondto the enginepower available under theparticular ambient atmospheric conditions, the particular .ight condition, and the relative humidity speci.edinparagraphs(d) or(e) of this section, as appropriate.

The available power must correspond to engine power, not exceeding the approved power, less–

Installation losses; and

The power absorbed by the accessories and services appropriate to the parti-cular ambient atmospheric conditions and the particular .ight condition.


For reciprocating engine-powered rotorcraft, the performance, as a.ected by engine power,mustbebased on a relativehumidity of80percentin a standard atmosphere.

For turbine engine-poweredrotorcraft, theperformance, as a.ectedby enginepower, must be based on a relative humidity of–

80percent, at andbelow standard temperature; and

34 percent, at and above standard temperature plus 50 degrees F. Between these two temperatures, the relative humidity must vary linearly.


[For turbine-engine-powered rotorcraft, a means must be provided to permit the pilot to determine prior to takeo. that each engine is capable of developing the power necessaryto achieve the applicable rotorcraftperformanceprescribedin this subpart.]

Amdt. 27-21, E.. 12/6/84
FAR 27.51 : Takeo.
The takeo., with takeo. power and r.p.m., and with the extreme forward center of gravity–

Maynot require exceptionalpiloting skill or exceptionallyfavorable conditions; and

Must be made in such a manner that a landing can be made safely at any pointalong the .ightpathif anenginefails.


Paragraph(a) of this section mustbe metthroughoutthe ranges of–

Altitude, from standard sea level conditions to the maximum altitude capabi-lity of the rotorcraft, or 7,000 feet, whichever is less; and

Weight,fromthe maximum weight(at sealevel) to eachlesserweightselec-ted by the applicant for each altitude covered by subparagraph (1) of this paragraph.


Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart B : Flight
FAR 27.65 : Climb : All engines operating
For rotorcraft other than helicopters–

The steady rate of climb, at VY , must be determined–

With maximum continuouspower on each engine;

With the landing gear retracted; and

(iii) For the weights, altitudes, and temperatures for which certi.cation is requested; and

[The climbgradient, atthe rate ofclimbdeterminedin accordancewithpara-graph(a)(1) of this section, mustbe either–]
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 4(68)