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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

Where ”y0” is the ”y” coordinate of the Planckian radiator for the value of ”x” considered.] Amdt. 25-27, E.. 8/11/71
FAR 25.1399 : Riding light.
Each riding(anchor)light requiredforaseaplaneor amphibianmustbeinstalled so that it can–

Show a white light for at least two nautical miles at night under clear atmos-pheric conditions; and

Show the maximum unbroken light practicable when the airplane is moored or drifting on the water.


Externally hung lights may be used.

FAR 25.1401 : Anticollision light system.

General. The airplane must have an anticollision light system that–

Consists of one or more approved anticollisionlightslocated so that their light will notimpair the crew’s vision ordetractfrom the conspicuity of theposition lights; and

Meetsthe requirements ofparagraphs(b) through(f) of this section.


(b) Field of coverage. The system must consist of enough lights to illuminate the vital areas around the airplane considering the physical con.guration and light charac-teristics of the airplane. The .eld of coverage must extend in each direction within
atleast[75] above and[75]belowthehorizontalplane ofthe airplane, except that a solid angle or angles of obstructed visibility totaling not more than 0.03 steradians is allowable within a solid angle equal to 0.15 steradians centered about the longitudinal axis in the rearward direction.
Flashing characteristics. The arrangement of the system, that is, the number oflight sources, beam width, speed of rotation, and other characteristics, must give an e.ective .ashfrequency of notlessthan40,normorethan100,cyclesperminute. The e.ective .ash frequency is the frequency at which the airplane’s complete anticollision light system is observed from a distance, and applies to each sector of light including any overlaps that exist when the system consists of more than one lightsource.Inoverlaps, .ashfrequenciesmay exceed100,butnot180,cyclesper minute.

Color. Each anticollision light must be either aviation red or aviation white and must meet the applicable requirements of Sec. 25.1397.

Light intensity. The minimum light intensities in all vertical planes, measured with thered.lter(if used) and expressedintermsof ”e.ective” intensities,mustmeet therequirementsofparagraph(f) ofthissection.Thefollowing relationmustbe assumed :

Ie = t2I(t)dt
0.2+(t2 .t1) t1
where : 
Ie  : e.ective intensity  (candles). 
I(t) : instantaneous intensityas a function of time. 
t2 .t1 : .ash time interval  (seconds). 

Normally, the maximum value of e.ective intensity is obtained when t2 and t1 are chosen so that the e.ective intensity is equal to the instantaneous intensity at t2 and t1.
(f) Minimum e.ective intensities for anticollision lights.Each anticollisionlight e.ective intensity must equal or exceed the applicable values in the following table.

0to 5''  400 
5to 10''  240 
10to 20''  80 
20to 30''  40 
[30to 75 20] 

Amdt. 25-41, E.. 9/1/77
FAR 25.1403 : Wing icing detection lights.
Unless operations at nightinknown orforecasticing conditions areprohibitedby an operatinglimitation, a means mustbeprovidedforilluminating or otherwisedetermining theformation ofice ontheparts of the wingsthat arecriticalfromthe standpoint ofice accumulation. Any illumination that is used must be a type that will not cause glare or re.ection that would handicap crewmembers in the performance of their duties. Amdt. 25-38, E.. 2/1/77

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart F : Equipment
49.5 Safety Equipment
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 4(27)