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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

The maximum valuedeterminedby the rotordesign; or

The maximum value shown during the type tests;


The minimum rotational speed shown under the rotor speed requirements in Sec. 27.1509(c); and


Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart G : Operating Limitations and Information
(3) Thegas temperaturelimits for turbine engines over the range of operating and atmospheric conditions for which certi.cation is requested.
Fuel grade or designation.The minimumfuelgrade(for reciprocating engines), or fueldesignation(for turbine engines), mustbe established so thatitis notless than that required for the operation of the engines within the limitations in paragraphs (b)and(c) of this section.

Turboshaft engine torque. For rotorcraft with main rotors driven by turboshaft en-gines, and that do not have a torque limiting device in the transmission system, the following apply :

A limit engine torque must be established if the maximum torque that the engine can exert is greater than–

Thetorquethatthe rotordrive systemisdesigned totransmit; or

The torque that the main rotor assembly is designed to withstand in showing compliance with Sec. 27.547(e).


Thelimit engine torque established underparagraph(e)(1) of this section may not exceed eithertorquespeci.edinparagraph(e)(1)(i) or(ii) of this section.


Ambient temperature.For turbine engines, ambient temperaturelimitations(inclu-ding limitations for winterization installations, if applicable) must be established as the maximum ambient atmospheric temperature at which compliance with the coolingprovisions ofSecs.27.1041 through27.1045is shown.

Two and one-half-minute OEI power operation. Unless otherwise authorized, the use of 2 1/2-minute OEI power must be limited to engine failure operation of multiengine, turbine-powered rotorcraft for not longer than 2 1/2 minutes after failure of an engine. The use of 2 1/2-minute OEI power must also be limited by–

The maximum rotational speed, which may not be greater than–

The maximum valuedeterminedby the rotordesign; or

The maximumdemonstratedduring thetypetests;


The maximum allowablegastemperature; and

The maximum allowable torque.


Thirty-minute OEI power operation. Unless otherwise authorized, the use of 30-minute OEI power must be limited to multiengine, turbine-powered rotorcraft for not longer than 30 minutes after failure of an engine. The use of 30-minute OEI power must also be limited by–

The maximum rotational speed, which may not be greater than–

The maximum valuedeterminedby the rotordesign; or

The maximum valuedemonstratedduring thetypetests;


The maximum allowablegastemperature; and

The maximum allowable torque.


Continuous OEI power operation. Unless otherwise authorized, the use of continuous OEIpower mustbelimitedto multiengine,turbine-poweredrotorcraftfor continued .ight after failure of an engine. The use of continuous OEI power must also be limited by–

(1) The maximum rotational speed, which may not be greater than–
The maximum valuedeterminedby the rotordesign; or

(ii) The maximum value demonstrated during the type tests;
The maximum allowablegastemperature; and

The maximum allowable torque.


[Rated30-secondOEIpower operation.Rated30-secondOEIpowerispermitted only on multiengine, turbine-powered rotorcraft, also certi.cated for the use of rated 2-minuteOEIpower, and can only be usedfor continued operation of the remaining engine(s) after afailure orprecautionary shutdownof anengine.It mustbe shown that following application of 30-second OEI power, any damage will be readily detectable by the applicable inspections and other related procedures furnished in accordance with section A27.4 of appendix A of this part and section A33.4 of appendix A of part 33. The use of 30-second OEI power must be limited to not more than 30 seconds for any period in which that power is used, and by–
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 4(134)