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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

A60-hourpart ofthe testprescribedinparagraph(b) of this section mustbe run at not less than maximum continuous torque and the maximum speed for use with maximum continuous torque. In this test, the main rotor controls must be set in the position that will give maximum longitudinal cyclic pitch change to simulate forward .ight. The auxiliary rotor controls must be in the position for normal operation under the conditions of the test.

A 30-hour or, for rotorcraft for which the use of either 30-minute OEI power or continuous OEI power is requested, a 25-hour part of the test prescribed in pa-ragraph(b) ofthissectionmustbe runatnotlessthan75percentofmaximum continuous torque and the minimum speed for use with 75 percent of maximum continuous torque. The main and auxiliary rotor controls must be in the position for normal operation under the conditions of the test.

[A10-hourpart ofthe testprescribedinparagraph(b)ofthis section mustbe run at notless than takeo. torque and the maximum speed for use with takeo. torque. The main and auxiliary rotor controls must be in the normal position for vertical ascent.

For multiengine rotorcraft for which the use of 2 1/2 minute OEI power is requested, 12 runs during the 10-hour test must be conducted as follows :

Each run mustconsist of atleastoneperiod of21/2 minutes with takeo. torque and the maximum speed for use with takeo. torque on all engines.

Each run must consist of atleast oneperiodfor each enginein sequence, during which that engine simulates a power failure and the remaining engines are run at 2 1/2-minute OEI torque and the maximum speed for use with 2 1/2-minute OEI torque for 2 1/2-minutes.


For multiengine, turbine-poweredrotorcraftfor which the use of30-second and 2-minuteOEIpoweris requested,10 runs mustbe conducted asfollows:

Immediately following a takeo. run of at least 5 minutes, each power source must simulate a failure, in turn, and apply the maximum torque and the maximum speed for use with 30-second OEI power to the re-maining a.ected drive system power inputs for not less than 30 seconds, followed by application of the maximum torque and the maximum speed for use with 2-minuteOEIpowerfor notless than 2 minutes. Atleast one run sequence must be conducted from a simulated ”.ight idle” condition. When conducted on a bench test, the test sequence must be conducted following stabilization attakeo.power.

For the purpose of this paragraph, an a.ected power input includes all parts of the rotor drive system which can be adversely a.ected by the



Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart E : Powerplant
application of higher or asymmetric torque and speed prescribed by the test.
(iii) This test may be conducted on a representative bench test facility when engine limitations either preclude repeated use of this power or would result in premature engine removal during the test. The loads, the vibra-tion frequency, and the methods of application to be a.ected rotor drive system components must be representative of rotorcraft conditions. Test components must be those used to show compliance with the remainder of this section.]
Thepartsofthetestprescribedinparagraphs(c) and(d) ofthissectionmustbe conducted in intervals of not less than 30 minutes and may be accomplished either ontheground orin .ight.Thepartof thetestprescribedinparagraph(e) of this section must be conducted in intervals of not less than .ve minutes.

At intervals of not more than .ve hours during the tests prescribed in paragraphs (c),(d), and(e)of this section, the engine mustbe stopped rapidly enough to allow the engine and rotor drive to be automatically disengaged from the rotors.

Underthe operating conditions speci.edinparagraph(c) ofthis section,500 com-plete cycles of lateral control, 500 complete cycles of longitudinal control of the main rotors, and 500 complete cycles of control of each auxiliary rotor must be ac-complished.A ”completecycle” involvesmovement of thecontrolsfromtheneutral position,throughboth extremepositions, andback tothe neutralposition, except that control movements need not produce loads or .apping motions exceeding the maximumloadsormotionsencounteredin .ight.Thecycling maybeaccomplished during thetestingprescribedinparagraph(c) of this section.
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 4(104)