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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

[If two independent sources ofelectrical power for particular equipment or systems are requiredby this chapter,in the event of the failure of onepower sourcefor such equipment orsystem, anotherpowersource(including its separatefeeder) mustbe automaticallyprovided orbe manually selectabletomaintainequipment orsystem operation.]

Amdt. 25-38, E.. 2/1/77

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Subpart F : Equipment
FAR 25.1357 : Circuit protective devices.
Automaticprotectivedevices mustbe used to minimize distress to the electrical sys-tem and hazard to the airplane in the event of wiring faults or serious malfunction of the system or connected equipment.

Theprotective and controldevicesin thegenerating system must be designed tode-energize and disconnect faulty power sources and power transmission equipment from their associated busses with su.cient rapidity to provide protection from hazardous over-voltage and other malfunctioning.

Each resettable circuitprotectivedevice must be designed so that, when an overload or circuit fault exists, it will open the circuit irrespective of the position of the operating control.

If theability toreset acircuitbreakerorreplaceafuseisessential tosafetyin .ight, that circuit breaker or fuse must be located and identi.ed so that it can be readily reset or replaced in .ight.

Each circuit for essential loads must have individual circuit protection. However, individual protection for each circuit in an essential load system (such as each position light circuit in a system) is not required.

Iffusesareused,theremustbesparefusesforusein .ightequaltoatleast50percent of the number of fuses of each rating required for complete circuit protection.

Automatic reset circuit breakers may be used as integral protectors for electrical equipment(such asthermalcut-outs) ifthereiscircuitprotectiontoprotectthe cable to the equipment.

FAR25.1359 :[Removed.]
[Removed.] Amdt. 25-72, E.. 8/20/90
FAR 25.1363 : Electrical system tests.
When laboratory tests of the electrical system are conducted–

The tests must be performed on a mock-up using the same generating equip-ment used in the airplane;

The equipment must simulate the electrical characteristics of the distribution wiring and connected loads to the extent necessary for valid test results; and

Laboratory generator drives must simulate the actual prime movers on the airplane with respecttotheir reactiontogeneratorloading,including loading due to faults.


For each .ight condition that cannot be simulated adequately in the laboratory or by ground tests on the airplane, .ight tests must be made.

FAR25.1369 :[Revoked.]
[Revoked.] Amdt. 25-23, E.. 5/8/70
49.4 Lights
FAR 25.1381 : Instrument lights.
The instrument lights must–

[ Provide su.cient illumination to make each instrument, switch and other device necessaryfor safe operation easilyreadable unless su.cientillumination is available from another source; and]

Be installed so that–

Their direct rays are shielded from the pilot’s eyes; and

No objectionable re.ections are visible to the pilot.



Unlessundimmedinstrumentlightsaresatisfactoryundereach expected.ight condi-tion, there must be a means to control the intensity of illumination.

Amdt. 25-72, E.. 8/20/90
FAR 25.1383 : Landing lights.
Each landing light must be approved, and must be installed so that–

No objectionableglareis visibletothepilot;

The pilot is not adversely a.ected by halation; and

It provides enough light for night landing.
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 4(24)