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时间:2011-10-19 22:09来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:航空
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For reciprocating-engine-poweredairplanes, the takeo.pathtobe scheduledin the Airplane Flight Manual must represent the one-engine-inoperative takeo. pathdeterminedin accordance withparagraph(a)ofthis section and modi.ed to re.ect theprocedure(seeparagraph(6)) establishedby the applicantfor .ap retraction and attainment of the en route speed. The scheduled takeo. path must have a positive slope at all points of the airborne portion and at nopoint mustitlie abovethe takeo.path speci.edinparagraph(a) of this section.


Takeo. distance.The takeo.distance mustbe thehorizontaldistance along the one-engine-inoperativetakeo.pathdeterminedin accordancewithparagraph(2)(a) from the start of the takeo. to the point where the airplane attains a height of 50 feet above the takeo. surface for reciprocating-engine-powered airplanes and a height of 35 feet above the takeo. surface for turbine-powered airplanes.

Maximum certi.cated takeo. weights. The maximum certi.cated takeo. weights must be determined at all altitudes, and at ambient temperatures, if applicable, at whichperformance creditistobe applied and may not exceed the weights establi-shedin compliance withparagraphs(a) and(b) of this section.

The conditions ofparagraphs(2)(b)through(d)mustbe met at the maximum certi.cated takeo. weight.

Without the use of standby power, the airplane must meet all of the en route requirements of the applicable airworthiness regulations under which the air-plane was originally certi.cated. In addition, turbine-powered airplanes wi-thouttheuseof standbypowermust meetthe .nal takeo.climb requirements prescribed in the applicable airworthiness regulations.


Maximum certi.cated landing weights.

(a) The maximum certi.catedlanding weights(one-engine-inoperativeapproach and all-engine-operating landing climb) must be determined at all altitudes, and at ambient temperatures if applicable, at which performance credit is to

Elodie Roux. Septembre 2003
Appendix E
be appliedand must not exceedthat establishedin compliance withparagraph (b)of this section.
(b) The .ight path, with the engines operating at the power or thrust, or both, appropriate to the airplane con.guration and with standbypowerin use, must lieabovethe .ightpath without standbypowerinuseatthemaximumweight at which all of the applicable airworthiness requirements are met. In addition, the .ightpathsmust comply with subparagraphs(i) and(ii) ofthisparagraph.
The .ight paths must be established without changing the appropriate airplane con.guration.

The .ight paths must be carried out for a minimum height of 400 feet above the point where standby power is actuated.

Airplane con.guration, speed, and power and thrust; general. Any change in the airplane’s con.guration, speed, and power or thrust, or both, must be made in accordance with the procedures established by the applicant for the operation of the airplanein serviceand must comply withparagraphs(a) through(c) ofthis section. In addition, procedures must be established for the execution of balked landings and missed approaches.

The Administrator must .nd that the procedure can be consistently executed in service by crews of average skill.

The procedure may not involve methods or the use of devices which have not been proven to be safe and reliable.

Allowances must be made for such time delays in the execution of the proce-dures as may be reasonably expected to occur during service.


Installation and operation; standbypower.The standbypower unit anditsinstalla-tion must comply withparagraphs(a) and(b) of this section.

The standbypower unitanditsinstallation must not adversely a.ect the safety of the airplane.

The operation of the standby power unit and its control must have proven to
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本文链接地址:FAA规章 美国联邦航空规章 Federal Aviation Regulations 4(46)