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时间:2010-05-10 19:35来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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over featureless terrain with ground lights that are indistinguishable from a dark
sky with stars, or night flying over a featureless terrain with a clearly defined pattern
of ground lights and a dark, starless sky (Figure 13).
Vection Illusion: A common example is when you are stopped at a traffic light in
your car and the car next to you edges forward. Your brain interprets this peripheral
visual information as though you are moving backwards and makes you apply additional
pressure to the brakes. A similar illusion can happen while taxiing an aircraft.
How to Prevent Spatial Disorientation
Take the opportunity to personally experience sensory illusions in a Barany chair,
a Vertigon, a GYRO, or a Virtual Reality Spatial Disorientation Demonstrator
(VRSDD). By experiencing sensory illusions first hand (on the ground), pilots are
better prepared to recognize a sensory illusion when it happens during flight and
to take immediate action. The Aeromedical Education Division of the FAA Civil
Aerospace Medical Institute offers spatial disorientation demonstrations with the
GYRO and the VRSDD in Oklahoma City and at all of the major airshows in the
continental U.S.

Figure 12
Figure 13
Obtain training and maintain your proficiency in aircraft control by reference to
When flying at night or in reduced visibility, use and rely on your flight instruments.
Study and become familiar with unique geographical conditions where flight is
Do not attempt visual flight when there is a possibility of being trapped in deteriorating
If you experience a visual illusion during flight (most pilots do at one time or another),
have confidence in your instruments and ignore all conflicting signals your
body gives you. Accidents usually happen as a result of a pilot’s indecision to rely on
the instruments.
If you are one of two pilots in an aircraft and you begin to experience a visual illusion,
transfer control of the aircraft to the other pilot, since pilots seldom experience
visual illusions at the same time.
By being knowledgeable, relying on experience, and trusting your instruments,
you will be contributing to keeping the skies safe for everyone.

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Medical Facts for Pilots
Publication AAM-400-00/1
Revised by: Melchor J. Antuñano, M.D.
Prepared by
Federal Aviation Administration
Civil Aerospace Medical Institute
Aerospace Medical Education Division
To request copies of this brochure and others listed below, contact
FAA Civil Aerospace Medical Institute
Shipping Clerk, AAM-400
P.O. Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125
(405) 954-4831
Other Pilot Safety Brochures Available
Number Title
AM-400-94/2 Alcohol and Flying: A Deadly Combination
AM-400-95/2 Altitude Decompression Sickness
OK05-0270 Carbon Monoxide: A Deadly Threat
AM-400-03/2 Deep Vein Thrombosis and Travel
AM-400-98/3 Hearing and Noise in Aviation
AM-400-97/1 Introduction to Human Factors in Aviation
OK05-0005 Medications and Flying
AM-400-01/1 Physiological Training Courses for Civil Aviation Pilots
AM-400-98/2 Pilot Vision
AM-400-91/2 Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses
AM-400-95/1 Smoke!
AM-400-03/1 Spatial Disorientation: Why You Shouldn’t Fly By the Seat of Your Pants
AM-400-05/1 Sunglasses for Pilots: Beyond the Image
To view these pilot and passenger safety brochures, visit the Federal Aviation Administration’s
Web Site
Physiological Training Classes for Pilots
If you are interested in taking a one-day aviation physiological training course
with altitude chamber and vertigo demonstrations or a one-day survival course, learn
about how to sign up for these courses that are offered at 14 locations across the U.S.
by visiting this FAA Web site:
Altitude chamber training at the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute in
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Spatial Disorientation (Vertigo)
Demonstrators. Above: GYRO-2
General Aviation Trainer.
Right: Virtual Reality Disorientation
Training Classes—
free training that
could save your life!
• Protecting a pilot’s most important
• Selecting the right lenses
• Radiation
• Glare
• New materials
• Frames
Beyond the
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