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时间:2010-09-02 16:13来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
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1. Airplane  'plein  n. 飞机
2. semi-monocoque  semim nkuk  半硬壳式
3. fuselage  'fju:zla:d  n. 机身,机体
4. landing gear  'lændi'gi  起落架
5. power plant  'pau  plænt  动力装置
6. strut  strt  n.. 支柱
7. divide into …… 分为……
8. contain  kn tein  vt. 包括,含有
9. antenna  æn ten  n. 天线
10. fiberglass  faibgla:s  n. 玻璃纤维;玻璃钢
11. honeycomb  hnikum  n. 蜂窝状物,蜂窝状的
12. fairing  fri  n. 整流罩,整流装置
13. hinge  hid  n. 铰链,合叶v. 铰接
14. pressure bulkhead  pre   'blkhed  压力密封隔板
15. flight compartment  flait  kmpa:tmnt  驾驶舱
16. entry  entri  n. 进口,入口
17. galley  gæli  n. 机上厨房
18. airstair  st  n.登机梯
19. electronic equipment bay  ilektr nik  ikwipmnt  bei  电子设备舱
20. access door  ækses d r  检修口
21. passenger cabin  pæsind    kæbin  旅客舱
22. cargo compartment  ka:gu  货舱
23. escape  iskeip  v.逃逸
24. hatch  hæt  n. 舱口,升降口,开口
25. space  speis  n.空间
26. fuel tank  fju:l   tæk  燃油箱
27. terminate  t:mineit  v. 终止,结束
28. APU = Auxiliary power unit
  : gziliri   pau   junit  辅助动力装置
29. horizontal stabilizer  h riz ntl  水平安定面
30. truss  trs  n. 桁架
31. exhaust  igz :st  n. 排出,放出
32. design  dizain  n. 设计
33. the same ……as 和……一样,与……相同
34. stretch  stret  vi. ; n. 伸长
35. extension  ikstenn  n. 延伸,扩展
36. dorsal fin  d :sl  fin  n. 脊鳍
37. strengthen  stren  v. 增强,加固
38. relative to  reltiv  相对于,与……比较
39. skid  skid  n. 滑道(轨) ;滑撬
40. structure  'strkt  n.. 结构
41. revise  rivai  vt. 修改
1 The B737 is a low wing airplane. B737 has semi-monocoque fuselage and fully
retractable landing gear. Two power plants are located under the wings on short
2The 737-300 fuselage is divided into four sections: section 41,section 43,section
46 and section 48.
3 Section 41 contains the radar antenna behind a fiberglass honeycomb fairing,
hinged at the top. Aft of the pressure bulkhead,above the floor, are the flight
compartment and forward airstair and its door,and the electronic equipment bay. his
section has two lower access doors.
4 Section 43 contains the passenger cabin and the forward cargo compartment.
5 Section 46 contains the center and aft portion of the passenger cabin , two
overwing escape hatches and aft entry and service doors. The space below the floor
includes the wing center section (fuel tank), air-conditioning bays,wheel well,
hydraulic bay and aft cargo compartment.This section terminates at the aft pressure
Fig 1-1 737-300 fuselage
6 Section 48 contains the auxiliary power unit (APU) and horizontal stabilizer
truss. Access to this section is through a door on the left side,aft of which is the
APU access door and APU exhaust.
7 The 737-300 is the same basic design as the 737-200,with a body stretch of 104
inches, a wing tip extension of 14 inches, a horizontal tail extention of 36 inches, a
larger dorsal fin and strengthened stabilizer.
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