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时间:2010-07-18 19:02来源:蓝天飞行翻译 作者:admin
曝光台 注意防骗 网曝天猫店富美金盛家居专营店坑蒙拐骗欺诈消费者

incorporation and identification of any sample drying options
and interference or other corrections.
As required in 3.2 of Appendix 5, in addition to the measured
sample constituent concentrations, the following data shall
also be provided:
a) inlet temperature: measured as the total temperature
at a point within one diameter of the engine intake
plane to an accuracy of d.5"C;
b) inlet humidity (kg waterkg dry air): measured at a
point within 15 m of the intake plane ahead of the
engine to an accuracy of r 5 per cent of reading;
c) atmospheric pressure: measured within 1 Irm of the
engine test location and corrected as necessary to the
test stand altitude to an accuracy of 2100 Pa;
d) fuel mass flow: by direct measurement to an accuracy
of -c2 per cent;
e) fuel WC ratio: defined as dm, where C,H, is the
equivalent hydrocarbon representation of the fuel used
in the test and evaluated by reference to the engine
fuel type analysis;
f ) engine parameters:
1) thrust: by direct measurement to an accuracy of
21 per cent at take-off power and 25 per cent at
the minimum thrust used in the certification test,
with linear variation between these points;
2) rotation speed(s): by direct measurement to an
accuracy of at least k0.5 per cent;
3) gas generator airflow: determined to an accuracy
of *2 per cent by reference to engine performance
The parameters a), b), d) and f ) shall be determined at
each engine emissions test setting, while c) shall be
determined at intervals of not less than 1 hour over a period
encompassing that of the emissions tests.
The following general principles shall be followed for
compliance with the regulatory levels set forth in Volume 11,
Part DI, 2.2, 2.3, 3.2 and 3.3 of this Annex:
a) the manufacturer shall be allowed to select for
certification testing any number of engines, including
a single engine if so desired;
b) all the results obtained during the certification tests
shall be taken into account by the certification
c) a total of at least 3 engine tests shall, be conducted, so
that if a single engine is presented for certification it
must be tested at least 3 times;
d) if a given engine is tested several times, the
arithmetic mean value of the tests shall be considered
to be the mean value for that engine. The certification
result (X) is then the mean of the values (XJ obtained
for each engine tested;
e) the manufacturer shall provide to the certificating
authority, the information specified in Volume 11, Part
III, 2.4 or 3.4 of this Annex as appropriate;
f) the engines submitted for testing shall have emissions
features representative of the engine type for which
certification is sought. However, at least one of the
engines shall be substantially configured to the
production standard of the engine type and have fully
representative operating and performance characteristics.
One of these engines shall be declared to be the
reference standard engine. The methods for correcting
lo this reference standard engine from any other
engines tested shall have the approval of the national
certificating authority. The methods for correcting test
results for ambient effects shall be those outlined in
7 of Appendix 3 or 7 of Appendix 5, as applicable.
The certificating authority shall award a certificate of
compliance if the mean of the values measured and corrected
(to the reference standard engine and reference ambient
conditions) for all the engines tested, when converted to a
characteristic level using the appropriate factor which is
determined by the number of engines tested (i) as shown in
the table below, does not exceed the regulatory level.
Note.- The characteristic level of the Smoke Number or
gaseous pollutant emissions is the mean of the values of all
the engines tested, measured and corrected to the reference
standard engine and reference ambient conditions divided by
the coeflicient corresponding to the number of engines tested,
as shown in the table below.
of engines
tested (i) CO HC NO, SN
10 0.958 7 0.921 8 0.969 4 0.950 2
more 10.13 0' -I59- 0 247 24 10.096 78- I-- 0.157 36
than 10 6 J; 6 J;
Note.- When a certification test fails, it does not
necessarily mean that the engine @rye does not comply with
the requirements, but it may mean that the confidence given
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